
Tree [1fa666] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 examples 2012-09-06 Drew Levin Drew Levin [1fa666] Added examples
 .gitignore 2012-09-06 Drew Levin Drew Levin [bd3350] added ignore file, removed command line interfa...
 CyCells.pdf 2012-09-06 Drew Levin Drew Levin [2ac941] Added documentation
 CyCells_Summary.pdf 2012-09-06 Drew Levin Drew Levin [2ac941] Added documentation
 DataDialog.ui 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 Makefile 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 Makefile_CyCells 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 QtCyCells.cpp 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 QtCyCells.h 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 QtCyCells.ui 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 QtEngineThread.cpp 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 QtEngineThread.h 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 README 2012-09-06 Drew Levin Drew Levin [1fa666] Added examples
 action.cpp 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 action.h 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 array3D.h 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 cell.h 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 cellType.cpp 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 cellType.h 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 cells.cpp 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 cells.h 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 color.h 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 condition.h 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 dataDialog.cpp 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 dataDialog.h 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 fileDef.cpp 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 fileDef.h 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 fileInit.cpp 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 fileInit.h 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 history.cpp 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 history.h 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 historyView.cpp 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 historyView.h 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 main.cpp 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 moc_QtCyCells.cpp 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 moc_QtEngineThread.cpp 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 moc_dataDialog.cpp 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 moc_main.cpp 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 moc_simView.cpp 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 molecule.cpp 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 molecule.h 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 process.h 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 random.cpp 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 random.h 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 rate.h 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 sense.cpp 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 sense.h 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 simPoint.h 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 simView.cpp 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 simView.h 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 simView3D.cpp 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 simView3D.h 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 tallyActions.cpp 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 tallyActions.h 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 tissue.cpp 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 tissue.h 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 ui_DataDialog.h 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 ui_QtCyCells.h 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles
 util.h 2012-03-23 Drew Levin Drew Levin [f85ed8] CyCells2 code + makefiles

Read Me

     CyCells 2
README - Sept 6. 2012


  CyCells requires QT4 and OpenGL to compile.  Make sure you have
both libraries installed on your machine before you try to install.

  There are four steps to compiling the project with QT4:

  1) Generate a .pro file.

      Do this by entering the following at the command line from the
      CyCells directory:

      > qmake -project

      This will create a .pro file in the directory

  2) Edit the .pro file.

      You must instruct QT4 to include the OpenGL widget libraries.
      Open the .pro file and add the following line:

      QT += opengl

  3) Generate a Makefile

      QT4 will generate a Makefile for you.  Enter this at the command
      line in the CyCells directory:

      > qmake

  4) Compile the project

      Simply type 'make' to compile the code:

      > make

  You should now be able to run CyCells!  In Linux, make sure to add
  a './' before the name of the executable (which likely has the same
  name as the directory)

      > ./cycells2-code

  NOTE: the executable will likely be named after your directory name.

Please refer to the PDFs included in the directory for usage instructions.

Examples are provided in the examples directory.