jholdstock - 2004-10-14

Hi all,

I have looked through the forum and have seen similar problems posted, but nothing quite right for me.

I have installed cvsmonitor and gone through the steps installing the missing perl modules.
All seems OK but when i try and run the app I get an error message starting with:

Can't locate loadable object for module Clone in @INC (@INC contains: modules usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.0/i686-linux...

But it is there:

If i have simple 'hello world' perl script that has use Clone; then it too won't work.

I am using perl 5.8.0 but still have version 5.6.0 which also has the clone module:

If i specify perl 5.6.0 then the hello world script runs so it can see Clone.pm
There is no difference between the Clone.pm scripts.

Has anybody seen this before?
Alternatively is there a way to specify which version of perl cvsmonitor uses?

