
#28 showing files being edited (404401)

WinCvs (90)

List of added features -
- Display small tick marks on left for files being edited
- Double ticks when more than one editors
- The editors list is updated only when you do refresh
- Added filter to show only the files being edited.

- Modified 'cvs edit' command so that it will give a
warning if that file is being edited or is not uptodate
(this feature works even on command line).
Use can use '-e' to skip editors check and '-u' to skip
uptodateness check while using the command line

Patches are created against wincvs 1.2 sources.
To apply the patch do the following -
1] change directory to 'cvsgui'
2] make sure you have write permission on all files.
3] run 'patch -Np1 < patchfile '

I have tested with 'patch.exe' from


  • Bhaskar V. khandke

    patch for editors check

  • Jerzy Kaczorowski

    • assigned_to: nobody --> jerzyk
  • Oleg Babyak

    Oleg Babyak - 2003-01-14

    Logged In: YES

    Have you ever planned to apply this patch? It seems to be
    useful for many peoples (IMHO).

  • Jerzy Kaczorowski

    • status: open --> open-out-of-date
  • Jerzy Kaczorowski

    Logged In: YES

    This patch is against 1.2, which is not supported any more.
    Anyway, that is actually quite unneccessary feature, and I let
    it to lay around in case someone wants to apply it to his 1.2
    version on their own. When the 1.3 will go stable it will be

  • Oleg Babyak

    Oleg Babyak - 2003-01-21

    Logged In: YES

    Thanks, I understand your opinion. I noticed most of people
    working long time with CVS don't agree with features that in
    some way are different from "non-concurrent mind".
    Developers I work with do not know CVS very well and they
    often forget do update before edit (for example). So I
    decided to implement three following features:
    - update before edit,
    - ask what to do if file is edited (OK, Cancel) when user
    do edit,
    - show edited files.
    Then I saw Patch_EditorCheck_EditorList and rewrote it
    according to WinCVS 1.3 sources. From your comment I
    understand that I should rewrite it every release of the
    WinCVS. I partially agree with you - this features are only
    for peole who have SourceSafe experience, so I have no other

  • Jerzy Kaczorowski

    Logged In: YES

    If I were you I would use WinCvs source as a third party and
    import into the private repo in the classic 3rd party tracking
    style - that will save you some work as CVS will help you to
    keep track of the changes.

    Also, feel free to share the patch here.

  • Dan Kuykendall

    Dan Kuykendall - 2003-09-12

    Logged In: YES

    This is very useful patch!
    Sometimes the long bearded cvs geeks dont want to understand
    that its useful to win over people from SourceSafe. With
    SourceSafe its very useful to know the remote status of
    files, and who has a file edited (checked out in SS land).

    So even when someone does the work of creating this patch,
    they want to deny it into the main source code, even tho its
    very useful.

  • Oleg Babyak

    Oleg Babyak - 2003-09-12

    Logged In: YES

    I have been working on this patch against WinCvs13b10
    since my first post. We use patched WinCvs in our firm and it
    works good. I am going to upload patch here, but haven't
    found possibilty unfortunately.

  • Jerzy Kaczorowski

    • priority: 5 --> 4

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