
unable to access the cvs repository

  • prashant

    prashant - 2005-02-27

    i downloaded and installed the patched cvs acl package
    i have initialized the repository with 
    cvs -d /cvs/satrang init and
    added imported directories into the repo....
    i have given cvs acl admin right to a user shann with 
    "cvs -d /cvs/satrang racl shann:p -r ALL -d ALL" which list as 
    "X ALL"
    and the access file entry is "d:ALL:ALL:shann!p:"
    now if i login as user shann and do a checkout on the repo.. like cvs checkout satrang it throw error like this
    cvs checkout: failed to create lock directory for `/cvs/satrang' (/cvs/satrang/#cvs.lock): Permission denied
    cvs checkout: failed to obtain dir lock in repository `/cvs/satrang'
    cvs [checkout aborted]: read lock failed - giving up

    what should i do now?
    t & r

    • Jeremy Whiting

      Jeremy Whiting - 2005-02-28

      This is a CVS error message. Nothing to do with the ACL patch.

      See CVS manuals for setting up file/directory permissions for the repository and all it's sub-directories.


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