
request to help for watchdog

  • gabriele bertelli

    I have a problem! I have installed watchdog file on windows 7 32 bit but the program cuda-z show me that watchdog not enabled…..Why? Many thanks for a gently replay.

  • Andriy Golovnya

    Andriy Golovnya - 2010-07-13


    How many NV GPUs do you have in your system?
    And which of "watchdog file" you are talking about? Please provide more info.
    What is your NV driver version?

  • gabriele bertelli

    In attachments image files for problem. Please Check and replay me for more information about! Many thanks for all.

  • Andriy Golovnya

    Andriy Golovnya - 2010-07-16


    Watchdog on your Quadro FX 570 is most probably deactivated.
    CUDA-Z returns data provided by cudaRT and cuda driver. If they are saying "Not watchdog active", it is so.
    Can you check if your NV watchdog is active? You need to write a simple test cuda application to trigger one.
    Actually, can you try latest beta if it says the same?

    PS: you may not post screenshot images of CUDA. You may simply export information to test file and put it here.

    • WBR,
  • chuthin

    chuthin - 2011-05-21

    I have a project cuda, and i want use qt but i can't build it with cuda+qtcreator. Can you help me, please?

  • Andriy Golovnya

    Andriy Golovnya - 2011-05-21

    Have a look how I eneble compilation of .cu files with nvcc. In ther is a section you can copy in to your .pro file to let qt-creator to compile/link your .cu code with .cpp code.
    I'm not sure will it work with qt-creator but you can at least try it out.
    Let me know if you'll get success or fail with it.


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