
No CUDA device found

  • provencale

    provencale - 2012-10-27

    CUDA-Z-0.6.163 can't but CUDA-Z-0.5.95 can found my NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS card.
    Just for note.

  • Andriy Golovnya

    Andriy Golovnya - 2012-10-27

    What OS? Does driver update helps?

  • provencale

    provencale - 2012-11-10

    Win7x86. Driver is outdated (270.61) but with latest drivers (301 and others like this one) I have troubles with two minototrs it's really upset me. So drivers i really don't update in anyway.

  • Andriy Golovnya

    Andriy Golovnya - 2012-11-10

    Hmm… Can we assume CUDA-Z wouldn't start is an outdated driver issue?
    Can you temporary update driver and run CUDA-Z so we can check the problem is in driver?
    Basically I have similar setup at my work PC.. It's 9X00 with two FullHD screens and I have no issues with drivers so far…

  • provencale

    provencale - 2012-11-10

    Oh no i'm sorry but some times ago i really got fucked up with lot of driver install-reinstall issue. I can't let me due this one more time coz it's workstation of my employer and all i need is just working station not eny kind of experiementals. If i isnatll current drivers i've got screw with two monitors, it's change vice versa and work not right.

  • Andriy Golovnya

    Andriy Golovnya - 2012-11-10

    OK. Thanks anyway!

  • provencale

    provencale - 2012-11-10

    To you too)

    • OldSmoke

      OldSmoke - 2013-05-11

      I have the same issue. System: 3930K, Win7Pro64bit, 12GB ram, 2x GXT570 with driver 296.10. I cant update the driver as this is the fastest driver for my cards. CUDA-Z error message is "No CUDA devices found" but all my software clearly uses CUDA on both cards. (Sony Vegas Pro12 NLE in particular) Any driver later then 296.10 will slow down render performance and also 3D performance. The cards are not runing in SLi mode either.

      • Andriy Golovnya

        Andriy Golovnya - 2013-05-12

        Your driver is way too old to work with CUDA5. I understand your problem with driver update but CUDA-Z 0.7.181 is compiled with CUDA5 SDK and will not run with old drivers. Please use CUDA-Z 0.6.163 instead until you are able to update your driver.

        PS: You can try to contact NVIDIA people with the rendering performance problem. They surely have several parameters you can tweak in new drivers to get performance back.


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