
Tree [fc31ba] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 .settings 2014-01-27 Antonio Calanducci Antonio Calanducci [6fe658] start fixing android version
 app 2014-08-26 Astrovic Astrovic [15cd66] text changes
 i18n 2014-08-26 Astrovic Astrovic [359214] Message errors corrected;
 platform 2014-07-22 Astrovic Astrovic [842d6f] Layout improvements (iOS/Android)
 plugins 2014-07-18 Astrovic Astrovic [82ff88] Improved Android Map/List switch;
 .gitignore 2014-02-10 Mario Torrisi Mario Torrisi [8ae57e] Some graphics improvements for iOS platforms. S...
 .project 2014-01-27 Antonio Calanducci Antonio Calanducci [6fe658] start fixing android version
 CHANGELOG.txt 2014-01-27 Antonio Calanducci Antonio Calanducci [6fe658] start fixing android version
 LICENSE 2014-01-27 Antonio Calanducci Antonio Calanducci [6fe658] start fixing android version
 LICENSE.txt 2014-01-27 Antonio Calanducci Antonio Calanducci [6fe658] start fixing android version
 README 2014-01-27 Antonio Calanducci Antonio Calanducci [6fe658] start fixing android version
 manifest 2014-08-26 Astrovic Astrovic [359214] Message errors corrected;
 tiapp.xml 2014-08-26 Astrovic Astrovic [fc31ba] Distribution Version 2.0.1

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Titanium is Copyright (c) 2008-2013 by Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Titanium is licensed under the Apache Public License (Version 2). Please
see the LICENSE file for the full license.