
CTAGS support for TAL

Rajgopal R
  • Rajgopal R

    Rajgopal R - 2003-04-23

    Hi all

    CTAGS seems to be great utility and I would love to integrate it with vim when I browse source code. The only problem is that ctags does not support TAL - Tandem Application Language.

    Has anyone created a user-defined language-parser for TAL files? I'm not sure how to go about writing one. 

    Thanks & Regards


    • Elliott Hughes

      Elliott Hughes - 2007-06-24

      i'm not aware of any TAL support for Ctags. in fact, i'd never even heard of TAL until you mentioned it! it's pretty easy to write your own basic regular expression-based support if that's likely to be adequate (most languages aren't line-based, which the regular expression support assumes, but most programmers write programs as if they were, so it doesn't matter as much as you'd think, and some of the built-in parsers are line-based without many people ever noticing).

      anyway, if you're still interested in TAL support, raise a bug on the bug tracker.

      (i'll ask an admin to close this forum, because no-one reads it.)



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