I am setting a custom dateFormat in the driver and it is not detecting the data type of the column. When I examine the source code, the bug is in CsvReader.java in the inferColumnTypes function:
else if (value.equals(("" + converter.parseDate(value) + " ").substring(0, 10))) { typeName = "Date"; }
This condition will NEVER return true unless the default ISO date format is used. Instead it should be:
else if (converter.parseDate(value) != null) { typeName = "Date"; }
Logged as CsvJdbc Bug #119 Date, Time column types not inferred correctly.
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I am setting a custom dateFormat in the driver and it is not detecting the data type of the column.
When I examine the source code, the bug is in CsvReader.java in the inferColumnTypes function:
This condition will NEVER return true unless the default ISO date format is used.
Instead it should be:
Logged as CsvJdbc Bug #119 Date, Time column types not inferred correctly.