
PNG Rendering issue

  • Pasquale Marinaro

    Hi all,
    from version 4.11 I have a problem with PNG rendering. I'm using ImageRenderer demo to save a png image from an url, but the final image is not transparent and the background color is white.

    In 4.10 version, instead, I changed at line 162:
    new BufferedImage(dim.width, dim.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
    img = new BufferedImage(dim.width, dim.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);

    In css I set body background-color: transparent.

    So,with these settings in version 4.10, using ImageRenderer demo I can save a png image with transparency.

    Can someone help me?


    • Paolo Diglio

      Paolo Diglio - 2017-03-01

      Hi all,
      i've got the same issue of the guy i'm quoting. Can anyone help us please?


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