
#50 adjacent selector matches text node


While getting the previousSibling of an element from the DOM for matching an Adjacent Selector all the TextNodes, CommentNodes and WhiteSpaceNodes must be ignored for matching an element. Ref


  • mercury

    mercury - 2014-09-17

    (I can't find a way to watch or star the issues on SF. Hence adding a comment and hoping to get notifications.)

  • Radek Burget

    Radek Burget - 2014-09-17

    Yes, I get notifications about all the tickets. Thanks for the reports. I already started to solve some of them but it may take some time before I find the source and posssible solution.

    • mercury

      mercury - 2014-09-17

      Radek, thanks a lot for creating and maintaining this project. The previous comment was so that I can get notifications :) I hope you don't mind the noise.

      On a related note, do you think GitHub can be a better option for hosting the project issues? I notice that you have already hosted the code on GitHub, but haven't enabled issue tracking. Github has support for watching issues noiselessly.

  • Chetan Kothari

    Chetan Kothari - 2014-09-17

    Test Case:

    p {background: red;}
    div+p {background: green;}


    <div>This text should be green.</div>
    <p id="id1">This text should be green. (sibling)</p>

    Expected style for p element

    background: green

    Actual style applied to p element

    background: red

    • mercury

      mercury - 2014-09-17

      Btw, the BoxBrowser works fine with that test case, probably because the HTML parser within it doesn't append text nodes between div and p elements.

      However, the parser in our project adds the additional text-nodes and hence the test fails.

      • Chetan Kothari

        Chetan Kothari - 2014-09-19

        Sorry forgot to mention that.
        @mercury: thanks :)

  • Radek Burget

    Radek Burget - 2014-10-01

    Are you using a DirectAnalyzer or Analyzer (with maps)? Or are both of them affected?

  • Chetan Kothari

    Chetan Kothari - 2014-10-01

    I am using DirectAnalyzer. Did not try it with Analyzer (with maps)

  • Radek Burget

    Radek Burget - 2014-10-01

    Ok, DirectAnalyzer should be fixed now. Analyzer seems not to be affected.

  • Chetan Kothari

    Chetan Kothari - 2014-10-01

    Will soon test all the fixes and update at once.

    Appreciate the quick response and fixes. Thanks a lot.

  • Chetan Kothari

    Chetan Kothari - 2014-10-02


    Thanks for the fix.

  • Radek Burget

    Radek Burget - 2014-10-02
    • status: open --> accepted
  • Radek Burget

    Radek Burget - 2015-01-10
    • status: accepted --> closed
  • Radek Burget

    Radek Burget - 2015-01-10

    Closed in 1.19



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