
#89 [Manufacturer driver] Echo on Xperia X10


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This is an intermittent problem that occurs sometimes when dialing an extension that is not registered. 

csipsimple hangs on the 'Confirmed' dialing screen.  This seems to hang audio in the phone as well as hanging the dialer.  I have to restart the phone to restore functionality.

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
Sony Ericsson X10 (and X10 mini), Android 1.6, Csipsimple 12

Please provide any additional information below.
I have previously provided logs via email, but wanted to file an issue report to track it.


Tickets: #145
Tickets: #361
Tickets: #596
Tickets: #93


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  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-09-11

    Originally posted by:

    Mmhh... There is probably something with ringer. I guess there is some micro seconds while there is still ringing. I pushed -12-31-bis that tries to synchronize with the end of the ringer.

    Did you test speaker/earpiece switch with -31? (should be the same that 31-bis on this point)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-09-11

    Originally posted by:

    Interesting, there is a new behaviour.

    If I answer a call, no sound at all is to hear. After pause an resume there is sound, but again on the back speaker.

    Speaker/earpiece switch is not working. But the switch is doing anything, because if I switch, the back speaker makes a "knack" and it is a little bit lower noise. This happens with siproid also. So I guess there is a wrong implementation from Samsung and I guess, this will go, if they bring the Android 2.2 Update.

    The problem is the running back speaker.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-09-12

    Originally posted by:

    Huh, amazing... The only thing was to ensure ringer was stopped before starting audio.
    Well, I pushed -12-32. I'm exploring if it's not due to the thread from which audio mode is set.
    If possible could you test and send me logs you get using this one. I don't think that it will solve the issue, but behavior it will have can help me to understand what is happening. So if you can test both incoming and outgoing and both with ringer and without (for incoming).
    Thx in advance

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-09-12

    Originally posted by:

    sorry mistake, test coming soon

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-09-12

    Originally posted by:

    ok again:

    1. incoming call, ringer off:
    no sound, open settings close it and test again.
    2. incoming call, ringer off:
    all fine
    3. incoming call ringer on:
    backspeaker on
    4. outgoing call:
    all is fine

    I mail you the logs

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-09-17

    Originally posted by:

    There are any news for this issue?
    Seems to be a huge problem for the alsa implementation of the android phones.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-09-17

    Originally posted by:

    I have read that Android Froya 2.2 will release for Galaxy S on 23.9. So perhaps we should test it first if there is some improve with audio driver.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-09-17

    Originally posted by:

    As that release might get delayed.. did anyone test it with the JPH release floating around lately?

    Besides, the sipdroid folks have a similar issue: .

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-09-17

    Originally posted by:

    I tested with the phone of my colleague for a couple of hours. My conclusion was there is something really strange in the way they implement speaker on/off feature.
    I tried with breakpoints and even when I wait after the end of the ringing, it still goes on speaker. (Actually, it goes through earpiece + speaker). In fact, once speaker is turned on (for ringing for example), it seems to be really difficult to turn it back to off then. Android API should allow that flawlessly... So there is something wrong with Samsung implementation.
    I concluded finally that it's probably worth to wait for the 2.2 release (as jarsiv said). Hope it will not be too much delayed.
    Then if we reproduce the same thing in 2.2 I'll spend more time on this particular point.

    Would have loved fring share their experience on that point (since they seems to succeed in solving this issue) but my last tentative on their forum was a dead end...

    Another point, when I tested on the phone of my colleague, I was a little bit disappointed with sound quality. I think that there is still improvements I can do on that point on galaxy S (and probably all alsa based driver). I'll do more test/debug session on galaxy when possible.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-09-17

    Originally posted by:

    Yes, waiting for 2.2 will be the right way. Other way could be wasting of time.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-09-27

    Originally posted by:

    I have take this up again :)

    So is it possible that while you are calling (and put the phone on your ear) with csipsimple it turn off the screen? Like Galaxy S does with normal GSM calls. And it will turn on the screen when you take the phone off on your ear (like Galaxy S does with GSM calls)

    It think it uses lightness sensor or orther to find are you talking or what.

    This is important feature because screen will drain your battery fast.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-09-27

    Originally posted by:

    @galaxyS owners : could you test and let me know if there is no regression regarding micro quality during call.
    I'm trying to implement something stable for other devices and also for galaxy S in the same code... not so easy :)

    However, will not solve speaker issue. This one I've to spend more time to solve it :)

    @jarsiv : latest builds (such as -13-01-bis) should already use proximity sensor of the device if any (provided the fact the keep awake while in call option is not manually set to true).
    But as you stated, if galaxy S doesn't use a real proximity sensor it will be harder for me to implement. But as I'm based on the same (private) API than the official telephony application... unless they also re-implement the all telephony application...

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-09-28

    Originally posted by:

    Ok, with -13-01-bis proximity sensor works now! Thanks!

    I also make fast test with calls and my opinion is that now mic is choppy (iLBC, Quality 4, mic boost 0.2, speaker boost 0.1). Can somebody Galaxy owner test this too?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-09-28

    Originally posted by:

    The micro quality is worse, comparing to the earlier version.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-09-28

    Originally posted by:

    Ok, thanks for testing this version.

    Sounds better than first version without anything done for alsa based driver but indeed, not good enough compared to -12-3x series.
    I have to find the good compromise since it the implementation that works flawlessly on galaxy S introduce a regression on some other devices.
    But, it's encouraging since this version give good results for other device and not ~so bad~ for galaxy S.
    So now, I have to find the good value for a parameter in my code to make it perfect for all devices.

    Stay tuned, I'll probably ask you for more tests soon :)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-10-03

    Originally posted by:

    Forgot, for reference, 0.00-13-02 should be better. Tested on a real device -it also fix speaker issue-.
    In next release default values will be set for mic amplification and speaker amplification : issue 259
    Still not able to change in call volume : issue 254 .
    I guess that I can remove galaxy i9000 from this issue. -> Other problem with this device are now treated in other specific issues.

    Summary: No audio with Xperia X10, Galaxy i7500



    Tickets: #254
    Tickets: #259

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-10-03

    Originally posted by:

    Yes galaxy can be removed. Version 0.00-13-02 is working well. Thank you!

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-10-15

    Originally posted by:

    It seems, that something changes on the new 2.2 update for the Galaxy I9000. The sound issues are under development, so we can hope, the the 2.2 Froyo firmware will behave like the other phones. Some discussion and debugging information of this device and the sound stack:

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-10-18

    Originally posted by:

    Sounds good news for Galaxy I9000. I'm waiting for the 2.2 upgrade from samsung on my friend device to see if it's better. (Could be a good thing to remove my hack and behaves as it should be done regarding the api - it will be more efficient).

    As for the global bug, removed i7500 from the list of devices with problems (tested today on another colleague device and that's fine right now :) ).

    Summary: Audio issue with Xperia X10

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-10-23

    Originally posted by:

    Changed tag of the issue.
    Still waiting for Sony upgrade for X10... and really hoping they'll fix their audio driver... With the time they make us wait would be a shame if they don't fix their driver !

    Summary: [Manufacturer driver] Echo and crashes on Xperia X10

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-11-15

    Originally posted by:

    Sorry for my late post. I upgraded my X10 Mini Pro to 2.1 a week ago. CSipSimple runs flawlessly, no freezes etc. But we are not there yet.

    During a call, the other person can't hear me and the connection is broken, I know this because the person I called is calling me back. CSipSimple still shows the call though, as if the call is still running.

    I tested this on a WiFi connection with very good reception on a 20Mbit/s internet connection. Also tested on 3G, the audio was poor, WiFi was very good.

    So I can make calls and receive calls, but I don't understand why the connection gets interupted. This doesn't happen when I use Fring. Also, CSipSimple should show the call had ended.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-11-15

    Originally posted by:

    Ok good news if sony has fixed their audio driver.

    As for connection that's a strange behavior. What you describe could happen if the wifi connection is lost for example or if your IP is changed by the network.

    For audio quality, on 3G, you should try with a low bandwidth codec. For example try to enable only GSM codec or only iLBC (PCMU has no compression).  The other side (or your sip server must also support the codec, else call will directly finish).

    Maybe could be a great things if you can get logs if you can reproduce the issue.
    If you can try the latest version available on the download section, there is a facility to collect logs in menu > Help (press record logs, reproduce the issue and once reproduced, go back in settings and stop & send logs).

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-11-15

    Originally posted by:

    Not working in X10 with Android 2.1

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-11-15

    Originally posted by:

    Well, anyway I've planned to test on a colleague X10 today. Maybe we'll see some improvements on x10 once I'll be able to test and see the exact symptoms.

    (Cause just "Not working" doesn't help me a lot to understand what is happening... ;) )

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