
cron4j / News: Recent posts

cron4j 2.2.3

cron4j 2.2.3 has been released, including a couple of fixs.

Posted by Carlo Pelliccia 2010-05-30

cron4j 2.2.2

cron4j 2.2.2 has been released

Posted by Carlo Pelliccia 2010-03-09

cron4j 2.2 has been released!

Happy new year! The cron4j 2.2 release is now available. Changelog:

- The CronParser has been enhanced. Before this release a cron line
could be used only to launch external process. Now it can be used
also to invoke a static method within a class.

- A new facility has been added to the scheduling pattern syntax.
The special value "L" can now be used to recognize the last day
of month.

- Bugfix: Time Zones are now used correctly by the scheduler.

Posted by Carlo Pelliccia 2010-01-01

cron4j 2.1

cron4j 2.1 has been released. Changes: the ProcessTask class has been added. Developers can use it to schedule system executable processes. Some other minor API changes have been made.

Posted by Carlo Pelliccia 2009-08-26

cron4j 2.0.1

cron4j 2.0.1 has been released. Changes: The SchedulingPattern parser has been rewritten to be fully compliant with the Unix crontab specification.

Posted by Carlo Pelliccia 2009-06-01

cron4j 2.0 has been released

The cron4j project has moved to SourceForge and, at the same time, the major version 2.0 has been released. The new release brings several new amazing features: task status and completeness tracking, the possibility to schedule tasks from code, from files or from any other external source (like a database), the new cron parser and the new event driven APIs, the power to control any ongoing task (stop, pause and resume operations supported) and many more features. Take a look!

Posted by Carlo Pelliccia 2009-04-26