
iRobot Create Simulator / News: Recent posts

Version 2.0 pre-release available

Version 2.0 of the simulator includes quite a few feature changes to make the simulator more useful. It will not be ready for release for at least a week, maybe more. However, some parts of it could come in handy for people currently using the simulator. Note though that not all bugs have been tested or fixed, but it seems to run well enough.

Email for a copy:

Posted by Create MATLAB Simulator 2011-03-14

Google Groups Mailing List
This group will be used as a mailing list to update users when a new release is made or with other important information.

Posted by Create MATLAB Simulator 2011-02-21

New Release

Version 1.3 fixes another bug with using ReadSonar. The code has been double-checked and retested, so hopefully there won't be further problems with that function.

Posted by Create MATLAB Simulator 2011-02-08

New Release

Version 1.2 fixes a bug with sonar readings (thanks Michael for reporting it).

Posted by Create MATLAB Simulator 2011-02-07

Incorrect download fixed

I have figured out how to assign the default download. Version 1.1 can now be downloaded from the front page.

Posted by Create MATLAB Simulator 2011-02-02

New Release

Version 1.1 is out, but for some reason SF thinks 1.0 is the latest. Go into the Files tab -> Toolbox to download version 1.1. This version mostly improves the realism of Sonar and LIDAR sensors.

Posted by Create MATLAB Simulator 2011-02-02

Corrupted .zip file

Because of the recent attack on SourceForge, they have disabled their file release uploaded. This is preventing the full zip from being uploaded/downloaded. Full functionality should be restored later this week. In the meantime, I'll try to host the zip somewhere else and post here when I have that location.

Posted by Create MATLAB Simulator 2011-01-31

New Release

The simulator has moved out of beta with its version 1.0 release. It will be used this semester in the Autonomous Mobile Robots course at Cornell University.

Posted by Create MATLAB Simulator 2011-01-30

U. of Maryland picks up Simulator

The Control Systems Lab class at University of Maryland will be using the simulator this semester. The focus will be implementing feedback control on velocity and navigation.

Posted by Create MATLAB Simulator 2010-10-21

New Release

The first simulator toolbox with full functionality is now uploaded. All documentation has been updated accordingly, and there are several new supplemental documents as well. The main project website should be going up shortly.

Posted by Create MATLAB Simulator 2010-09-01