
#3031 unstable artifacts


Add a new property to artifacts: ephemeral. When the artifact is unequipped, it reverts to its base type. This can be used either to balance über-artifacts, or to make the middle game more interesting: if you have a few unstable artifacts as your only means of covering some resistances, you have to think how to avoid switching. Once you have equipped one, id scrolls become a must for this slot, and you have all kinds of dilemna like "should i try to fight this swamp dragon without clarity so that I can keep +8EV,rElec,speed?". Unstable artifacts should auto-id as such with a message upon picking-up such as "there is ancient magic attached to this {whatever}, but it seems fugacious". It is then up to the player to either wear-id it or read a scroll of id. Whether monsters wielding them should dispel the enchantment is to determine, i'd lean to say no, as it is the player's decisions that matter, but either way can work.


  • Lemuel

    Lemuel - 2009-11-12

    This is a good idea. but I would make it only a chance of vanishing. Say, on unwield the item has a 30% chance of teleporting somewhere in LoS (it's marked as thrown so picking it up happens automatically, but could be a problem in combat and if it ends up in lava or deep water it's gone) and a 20% chance of just vanishing forever. The choice of making an occasional, but risky, swap seems more interesting.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    OP: Yes, it's a good idea to randomize it, but maybe the chance of disappearing ought to be higher to make it a choice rather than an annoyance. Testing will tell, but I think it's better to start with a too harsh version. Teleporting away would not be so problematic for armour, since you presumably switch it out of battle. For weapons, a cool and flavourful way to make them disappear would be to dance them (as allies) for some turns (or maybe until you leave the level), then have them disappear. That way, you dump them for a temporary reinforcement in battle.

  • Eino Keskitalo

    Eino Keskitalo - 2009-11-12

    Should it have prompt at unwield, (autoincribed !w), or just a warning message when wielded/id'd?


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    OP: a prompt would be in order, otherwise it's a nethackish annoyance: you lose your early unstable triple sword of ascension because you pressed 'x' out of habit in order to sling away some jelly. With a prompt, it's a remainder that you have to choose between risking your cloak and health bashing that jelly or a good chance to wave Swordy good bye.

  • dpeg

    dpeg - 2009-11-14

    Interesting idea. I would start with a fixedart doing this. This is because we can tailor-made that fixedart to be very good (at least for something) and provide the flavour blurb right away. If that works out, we can try more. I am afraid that simply adding "unstable" as a randart property will not be good enough.

    Anybody has an idea for an unstable fixedart?

  • dpeg

    dpeg - 2009-11-14
    • priority: 5 --> 4
  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Im plundering the weapon brands and randart weapons thread for this idea:

    I would make it a knife that turns into a longsword when first used ,that turns back to a knife,with the tremor and hellfire ability


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