
CppNcss / News: Recent posts

CppNcss 1.0.3 released

CppNcss 1.0.3 is now available for download.

This release provides more options for running CppNcss.

Warning : to keep the same behaviour as in previous versions the following option parameter must be used : -n30

Posted by Mathieu Champlon 2007-08-03

CppNcss 1.0.2 released

CppNcss 1.0.2 is now available for download.

With this release comes an Apache Ant task, check the web site for the corresponding documentation.

Posted by Mathieu Champlon 2007-02-01

CppNcss 1.0.1 released

CppNcss 1.0.1 is now available for download.

This release mainly fixes a bug in the binary scripts preventing to run the application under some platforms.
Xml output as well as xsl transformation to html have also been added.

Posted by Mathieu Champlon 2006-11-23

CppNcss 1.0.0 released

CppNcss 1.0.0 is now available for download.

This release focusses on ANSI-C++ source code parsing capabilities and only provides basic measurements.


Posted by Mathieu Champlon 2006-10-20