
Analysis on Cppcheck source code with SmPL

  • Markus Elfring

    Markus Elfring - 2018-05-12

    The source files of this evolving software can be analysed also by the means of the semantic patch language to some degree.

    The following script can show places where match expressions are passed so that they will eventually be reconsidered.

    constant text;
    *Token::Match(..., text, ...)

    Another analysis approach can import some information into a database.

    import sqlalchemy, sys
    sys.stderr.write("\n".join(["Using SQLAlchemy version:",
    from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Column, Integer, String
    engine = create_engine("sqlite:///:memory:", echo = False)
    from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
    base = declarative_base()
    class position(base):
       __tablename__ = "positions"
       source_file = Column(String, primary_key = True)
       line = Column(Integer, primary_key = True)
       column = Column(Integer, primary_key = True)
       pattern = Column(String)
    from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
    configured_session = sessionmaker(bind = engine)
    session = configured_session()
    def store_positions(text, places):
        """Add source code positions to an internal table."""
        for place in places:
           entry = position(source_file = place.file,
                            line = place.line,
                            column = int(place.column) + 1,
                            pattern = text
    constant text;
    position pos;
     Token::Match(..., text@pos, ...)
    @script:python collection@
    text << filter.text;
    places << filter.pos;
    store_positions(text, places)
    from sqlalchemy import func
    entries = session.query(func.count("*")).select_from(position).scalar()
    if entries > 0:
       delimiter = "|"
       sys.stdout.write(delimiter.join(["pattern", "incidence"]))
       for pattern, \
           count in session.query(position.pattern, func.count("*")) \
          sys.stdout.write(delimiter.join([pattern, str(count)]))
       sys.stderr.write("No result for this analysis!\n")

    So it can be determined that 1127 patterns are passed to a function for evaluation so far.

    Do you get any ideas for further software evolution around such data processing possibilities?

    • Markus Elfring

      Markus Elfring - 2023-01-21

      I got into the mood to repeat this analysis approach for the tool version “2.9.3”.

      Thus I determined by my SmPL script “list_often_used_match_expressions.cocci” that 197 patterns were passed more than once to the member function “Token::Match”.
      🔮 Will such incidence statistics trigger further software evolution?

  • Daniel Marjamäki

    I do not see what value it has. It's like count number of character 'x' in the code... I do not see any use for that information.

    • Markus Elfring

      Markus Elfring - 2018-05-14

      This approach shows data processing possibilities which are supported by specific software development tools.
      It demonstrates another try to extract useful facts from changing source files.

  • Daniel Marjamäki

    I am not against smpl.

    • Markus Elfring

      Markus Elfring - 2018-05-17
      • Will the semantic patch language (Coccinelle software) be used by any more developers (besides me here) for the concrete clarification of implementation details?
      • Would you find it interesting to determine where a Cppcheck search pattern is applied more than once?
      • How much do variations matter in these search patterns?

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