
#45 Connectin to OS 9


I can successfully connect to the computer when OS X is running,
but when I reboot the same computer into OS 9, Chicken returns the
error "Could not connect to server… Connection refused: connect()".
I can share files through my AirPort connection.

The server that I cannot connect to in OS 9 is Ethernet cabled to the
base station. What am I missing here?

Thank you.


  • Jason Harris

    Jason Harris - 2004-12-06

    Logged In: YES

    The quick thing to check is that you've got the IP address of the host
    machine correct. Also, verify that you're using the same display number
    on the server and in Chicken.

    If you've verified these, you should make sure that you can ping the host
    from the client (/Applications/Utilities/Network Utility will come in
    helpful). If you can't ping the host, you won't be able to connect. If
    you're using a firewall, or have the software firewall enabled on either
    machine, make sure it can pass the VNC port traffic. VNC defaults to
    port 5900 for display 0, 5901 for display 1, etc.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO


    I had the same problem (with VNCServer 0.1.5 on OS9, and Chicken of
    the VNC 2.0b2 on OSX), and could solve one of the problems by entering
    the OS9 machine's IP address as the Host name. I also created a new
    profile, but it seems this was not really needed.

    I can ping the OS9 machine from OSX, but I cannot telnet VNC (I receive
    the "No address associated with nodename" message when trying).

    However, I can open a connection window, with the correct title and screen
    resolution - but just a black content. nothing more.

    What a shame. At the office, I could use Chicken on a OSX machine,
    connecting to a PC. Everything worked great.

    Best regards,

  • Jason Harris

    Jason Harris - 2005-08-23

    Logged In: YES

    Sounds like the previous poster covered this. Closing.

  • Jason Harris

    Jason Harris - 2005-08-23
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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