
Access VNC servers on ports under 5900

  • Filch

    Filch - 2004-11-03

    I have my VNC servers on my PC's which I run on low ports b/c my workplace blocks the higher ones.  I want to access my PCs from my MAC, but this app doesn't seem to allow me to enter something like port 22, etc.....

    I know on the PC I had to enter a negative value, -5878 for port 22.  I can't get this to work in Chicken.   Any assistance is greatly appreciated.


    • Ryan Morgan

      Ryan Morgan - 2005-01-03

      Can anyone shed some light on this issue?  I have my server running on port 23 (same problem, trying to get through a firewall) but cannot access the port with Chicken.  Also tried -5877 with no luck.

      • Jason Harris

        Jason Harris - 2005-01-04

        I managed to connect to port 23 by entering display -5877.  It was a bit tricky, though.  I had to enter "5877" and then use the left arrow to position the cursor at the left, and then type "-".  And I had to click "Connect", rather than hit return.

        But that worked.

        • Ryan Morgan

          Ryan Morgan - 2005-01-15

          That worked great, thanks a lot!!


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