
My shift Keys don't work!

  • Jeffrey B. Murphy

    am I doing something wrong? Shift seems to send contrl.
    If I do a shift s i get control s (save)

    2.0b1 going to osvnc 1.4

    OSX 10.3.5 client going to 10.3.4 server

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2004-08-23

      This subject is in the bugs section.  The basic problem is that there is no default profile.  This causes several other issues also.  See bug:   [ 1011542 ] can't create/manage profiles or encodings

      Good new is there is an fairly easy workaround that fixes the problem.  The following is copied from smeger's post under that bug:

      - Delete your preferences (<home
      - Launch Chicken 1.3.6
      - From the Edit menu, choose Profiles
      - Type the name of a new profile
      - Press the New button
      - Press the Delete button
      - Quit Chicken
      - Launch Chicken 2.0b1 and use normally.

      If you don't have 1.3.6 you can edit the profile directly.
      Bug #1011664 describes this method.


      • Jason Harris

        Jason Harris - 2004-08-23

        Or, just wait for 2.0b2. :)


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