
What's new in 2.0b4?

  • John Mallery

    John Mallery - 2006-01-29

    Anything other than universal binaries?

    • Jason Harris

      Jason Harris - 2006-02-06

      Universal binaries and a few bug fixes.  Here's the release notes

      - Chicken of the VNC is now a universal binary.
      - Resolved an issue that caused an "ZLibHex unknown subencoding" error when using ZRLE encoding to connect to an UltraVNC server.
      - Resolved an issue that caused pasting text to work incorrectly if the text contained repeating characters.
      B- onjour server discovery now works properly when the server uses a non-standard port or display number.
      - Clicking an inactive connection window no longer passes that click through to the server.


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