
Startup shell command

  • riccardo

    riccardo - 2011-10-10

    On my win7 enterprise 32 bit machine I have the latest version 2.00.148 of Console, and everything works fine but the -r startup command. I configured a cmd and a bash shell but if I execute the command:
    console.exe -t cmd -d c:\wutil -r dir
    I get the right shell in Console on the c:\wutil directory but the dir command is not executed. If I send a command to the bash shell as:
    console.exe -t bash -d c:\wutil -r ls
    the Console bash shell appear for a short moment and then disappear. Any suggestion?

  • Kirill

    Kirill - 2011-10-10


    semantics of the -r switch is a bit confusing (or it's just the documentation :)
    Whatever you specify for the -r switch gets added to the startup line . For example, your line for cmd (assuming that the Shell field of this tab is empty) will try to start "%comspec% dir" which probably does not crash cmd - try to run "cmd dir" (without quotes) from either Console or from Run… dialog. And adding "ls" as a command line argument for bash likely crashes bash (hence the disappearance).

    So, to fix your cmd like, you just need to use:

    console -t cmd -d c:\wutil -r "/k dir"

    Unfortunately, I don't know what to do for bash.

  • riccardo

    riccardo - 2011-10-11

    Thanks for your help!


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