
#7 Colour tinting makes transparency fail on single characters


Occasionally, some characters in a window set to fake
transparency will not have transparent background. So
far, I've only observed this with irssi; a screenshot
of the problem is attached. Might this be a problem
that occurs when redrawing lots of text at once (as
irssi changes all text in a window occasionally, eg.
when switching windows)?


  • Florian Piesche

    Florian Piesche - 2003-09-05

    Screenshot of failed transparency

  • Florian Piesche

    Florian Piesche - 2003-09-05
    • priority: 5 --> 1
  • Marko Bozikovic

    Marko Bozikovic - 2003-09-10

    Logged In: YES

    Send me the link for the program (or the program itself if
    it's not too big).

    You can mail me directly.

  • Florian Piesche

    Florian Piesche - 2004-06-02
    • summary: Fake Transparency fails on single characters --> Colour tinting makes transparency fail on single characters
  • Florian Piesche

    Florian Piesche - 2004-06-02

    Logged In: YES

    I have just noticed that for some reason, the problem only
    occurs if the window has colour tinting set; either via fake
    transparency and the <tint> directive, or by alpha
    transparency and <color>. I've used Console without tinting
    and alpha transparency for quite a time now without the
    problem ever coming up again; then set a window to use alpha
    transparency plus <color> - and within a minute, the problem
    I commented the <color> directive out to verify, and the
    issue is gone.

    (Summary adjusted to reflect this)

  • Marko Bozikovic

    Marko Bozikovic - 2004-06-03

    Logged In: YES

    Hm... This is very strange... I see no reason for fake
    transparency failing with tinted background, since the
    background is tinted during initialization, so the
    background painting is done with the tinted image... But,
    I'll take a look. Thanks for the effort :)

  • Marko Bozikovic

    Marko Bozikovic - 2004-06-03

    Logged In: YES

    Ok... I've just tried running irssi (with latest cygwin
    update) with the Console 1.42 and 1.5 beta. Both have tinted
    fake transparency (I run 1.42 with the default console.xml)
    I haven't seen the painting problem.

    The fake transparency problem did occur to me on GnuWin32
    less as well (repeatable, every time) However, it happened
    only with a Release build of Console... Debug build didn't
    have that problem.

    I've tried irssi and less again, and I've seen no problem
    (on my W2k box). It could be graphics card problem or
    something. I have updated the drivers for my Radeons - 7500
    and 8500 on both my machines (WinXP and W2k) since the last
    reports. I'll try this today on the WinXP box...

  • Marko Bozikovic

    Marko Bozikovic - 2004-06-07

    Logged In: YES

    Try the latest v1.5 beta. I've changed background color
    painting a bit...

  • Marko Bozikovic

    Marko Bozikovic - 2004-09-06
    • status: open --> closed

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