
conquests / Blog: Recent posts

Website moved

Due to my ISP ending their webspace from 28 April 2016, the Conquests homepage has moved to .

Posted by Mark 2016-03-12

Conquests 1.0

Conquests 1.0 is released!

That's not to say the game is finished as such - there's still a long TODO list. But I think it's in a state where (hopefully) it's playable as a complete game. Updates from now on will be tweaks and improvements (and any necessary bug fixes), rather than implementing basic features.

Windows installer:

Ubuntu packages: read more

Posted by Mark 2012-02-21

Conquests 0.15

The latest version of Conquests is 0.15, released 10 September 2011. The game is now in a fully playable state.

Windows installer:

Ubuntu packages:

Source code:

Please feel free to use this Sourceforge page to submit bugs or start discussions. Or email me at mark dot harman at ntlworld dot com .

Posted by Mark 2011-10-26