
comport installation Ok but no components in IDE

  • Lennart

    Lennart - 2014-03-05


    I have installed comport411f in a Delphi7 system on windows 7, 64 bit system. Everything seems to have worked OK with the installation. extraction from Zip, package compiled and installed, no error if I restart Delphi, but there is no tab in the IDE for Comport, and when I look at the package under component- install packages, there is a comport library, but no components listed for it. What have I done wrong? What is missing?

    Thanks in advance for an answer
    Lennart H / Sweden

  • giorgio

    giorgio - 2014-04-07

    I' have the similar problem on Delphi XE5...

  • Warren

    Warren - 2014-04-07

    I will try this today in XE5. If I fix it it will be in my branch, which is on bitbucket.

    I will post the update here though.


  • Rafael

    Rafael - 2014-04-07

    I'm using XE5 update 2 and it installed and is showing the CPortLib tab (only TComPort and TComDataPacket), but when I save the project on other folder, the component is calling for some native .dcu inside the folder it's running. Not sure what to do to bypass this. Already added on library path the component source.


    Last edit: Rafael 2014-04-07
  • Warren

    Warren - 2014-04-07

    Okay I just tested this with XE5 and it works FINE. Anybody having a problem with the TCOMPORT 411 F download from sourceforge probably is doing something major wrong.

    For example, compiling the CompOrt RUNTIME package but not installing the dsgnComport (designtime package).


  • Rafael

    Rafael - 2014-04-07

    I think it's not supposed to work on Firemonkey application?


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