
how many levels product hierarchies can have?

Duy Vinh
  • Duy Vinh

    Duy Vinh - 2004-05-03

    I want to create product hierarchies :

    + g1
       + g11
          + product A
          + product B
       + g12
          + product C
          + product D
    + g2

    Can Compiere allow ?

    • Kathy Pink

      Kathy Pink - 2004-05-03

      you had have virtually as many as you want

    • Mat

      Mat - 2004-05-25

      Hi Kathy,

      in theory I know that it's possible to organize products and BP's... (check the "summary level" check box)

      But how to organize products and BP's? How can I know what product belongs to what summary level? Any field to enter this info?


    • acotes

      acotes - 2004-05-25

      Not something I favour but you could always code the product number ... same as the G/L.
      When you look at the structure of the COA each level in the hiearchy like:
      1 = Assets,
      11 = Cash,
      11100 = Cheque Account.

      You could have:
      C = Computer
      CD = Display
      CD0022 = 22" Display
      CC = CPU
      CC1000 = 1Gh, 512, 40Mb


    • Mat

      Mat - 2004-05-26


      thanx for that - but not as expected :-(

      Is there nothing like the BOM to summarize products or BP's?

    • Mat

      Mat - 2004-05-27

      hey sorry folks....

      just found what I was looking for!

    • gustoy

      gustoy - 2004-05-31

      Where did you find it? I am also looking for this?

    • alberto

      alberto - 2005-12-26

      If you go to General Rules -> System Rules -> Maintain Tree there is a tree for the products. You can drag-and-drop the products under products with summary level. However i dont know where else this information is represented. It looks like the product information window doesnt display the relationships between products.


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