
Compiere : customization and developments

  • consultcompiere

    consultcompiere - 2007-10-10

    Hi !

    I've installed Compiere in order to see either it fits the needs of an industrial services company. I would like to know :

    - how far Compiere can be customized natively and which are the limits with Eclipse and the appropriate frameworks.
    - is it possible to do a quick prototype with Compiere natively and with Eclipse, to be discussed with reference users ?
    - are Adempiere and Openbravo significantly better than Compiere from a development point of view ?
    - how far the people (HR) and equipment maintenance functionnalities can be extended if I consider an industrial service activity ?

    Actually, the standard "demo" interface does not seduce end users. I would like to allow field managers to open Compiere with a Gantt chart for project management and then give access to a few key screens.

    The developper doc is difficult to find outside the Compiere paying site. I miss demonstration examples.

    Anyone participated in a Compiere project recently ?

    Thank you so much for your help !

    Kisses :-)

    • Teo Sarca

      Teo Sarca - 2007-10-10


      > - is it possible to do a quick prototype with Compiere natively and with Eclipse, to be discussed with reference
      > users ?

      Definitely, ADempiere and Compiere(tm) is using an active application dictionary, which permit to define tables, windows without any source modifications in prototyping phase.

      > - are Adempiere and Openbravo significantly better than Compiere from a development point of view ?

      I will tell you about ADempiere:
      1. GUI improved (e.g. (new) )
      2. Free migration and patches:
         * migration scripts:
         * patches:
      3. Fast bug fixing:
      4. Additional modules
      5. Wiki based documentation (functional, technical, howto etc):
      6. Big professional community
      7. etc etc etc

      For more details about these 2 projects ask on ADempiere and OpenBravo forums.

      > - how far the people (HR) and equipment maintenance functionnalities can be extended if I consider an industrial
      > service activity ?

      This depends on the size of your business, employee previous experience.

      > I would like to allow field managers to open Compiere with a Gantt chart for project management and then give
      > access to a few key screens.

      We have done this customization a long time ago:

      Best regards,
      Teo Sarca

      • consultcompiere

        consultcompiere - 2007-10-10

        Hello Teo,

        My second question is about equipment and employees management in a service activity.
        In Compiere, a person is a partner, an employee. It provides a service that is a sort of product. Along its contract life, a contract manager has to look for competences and availabilities, then staff its contract with named persons who have availabilities and who are implied in services, tasks, phases etc. During the contract life, the perimeter can change and the staffing can evolve. Also, any employee has to report its activity periodically (time spent on each project or contract...). Finally, the client must be invoiced.
        A parallel can be made with equipments.

        What do you think about developping such functionalities ? Also, what do you think of managing equipment maintenance (cost, planning, availabilities...) ?


    • consultcompiere

      consultcompiere - 2007-10-10

      Thank you so much for your answers.

      I have to sharpen my questions. If you don't care, I think the best is to split the discussion into one message per question.

      About quick prototyping with Compiere or with Eclipse, do you have examples of results ? Are there native reporting widgets to make control boards or gantt charts ? Do graphic elements all look like web forms ? Do you know about examples of native compiere customization that would look sexy ?


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