madhukar - 2008-05-15

Hi All
If any one have source code for compiere 3.0.0 version. please send it to my mail ID . I only want to my compiere to work over WAN through internet. If any related java file where I can change the default values of IP Address and  make it work over wan . any one have solution to these problem. and I Have another problem I have installed compiere 3.0.0 in one System and made some many changes, created new print layouts and added new fields to different orders .I just want to know how to install the same compiere(where i made changes)in another system. with same stucture and same fields which I have added.

I have tired coping the same compiere folder in another system and intalled , and restored the old compieres data but it is  not showing the fields which I have created in old compiere.
Any one have the soultion please help me .