
VE with eclipse

  • v2020

    v2020 - 2004-09-16

             I have installed eclipse 3.0 RC3 with the VE,EMF and G?? liabraries extracted in features and plugins folders for the purpose of GUI development .
             Please help me with how to load the drag-drop bar(I meant how to register those in Eclipse)

    Thanking You ALL,

    • Redhuan D. Oon

      Redhuan D. Oon - 2004-09-23

      Thats quite a skillset u digging into V2020! I think the newsgroups in is of better help. I often go there to find out.

      I am also interested to do VE and GEF with EMF to automate the Menu-Window-Table creation, also thinking of how nice it would be if we can drag and drop with right-clicks to do them without opening windows.


    • vi2jon

      vi2jon - 2004-09-28

      what is VE and GEF with EMF??

      plz explain

    • Redhuan D. Oon

      Redhuan D. Oon - 2004-09-28

      VE stands for Visual Editor.

      GEF stands for Graphical Editing Framework

      EMF stands for Eclipse Modelling Framework

      These are all plugins or extensions of the Eclipse debugging platform which allwos developers to build further tools or just use these raw ones stated above to debud and extend the software much faster than before.

      VE sits on GEF and allow user interface design and control of the calls to the persistence layer or model. It basically uses the MVC - Model-View-Controller concept popular in multi tier architecture.

      EMF is more for architecture handling where the codes can be reversed into an UML design or XML notation. The Java can also be anottated into it so that you can generate codes much faster from the design level without coding from scratch.

      However Compiere is not done in this fashion, so you need to fill in some gaps in the codings to achieve a full seamless integration in to Eclipse for maximum developer pleasure.

      Eclipse is also proposing a BIRT project - which is Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools, which will seamlessly allow OLAP onto any application inside its workspace. This will basically sink a few aircraft carriers namely Mondrian/JPivot, Crystal Reports, so its best to move upshore while u can with all these gizmos. :)

      For more info just browse
      Their tutorials are superb. Otherwise i wouldn't sound like some great guru. :O


    • vi2jon

      vi2jon - 2004-10-01

      thanks red1

    • v2020

      v2020 - 2004-10-02

      Hi RED1
                Thanks for reply,I got the plugin running.Now seeking for SWT manuals.Does your site host for SWT Manuals,References?

      Thank you in advance..


    • Redhuan D. Oon

      Redhuan D. Oon - 2004-10-03

      Hi v,
      In due time, in due time but in the usual unique way, as Eclipse covers these subjects truly well. They re killers.

      For my site its just more on issues of experiences and tutorial for items i find interesting such as been so dificult for beginners that i just want u to safe the hassle and go on with life.


    • v2020

      v2020 - 2004-10-03

      Hey red1,
                Can you help me with getting some technical help over SWT?



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