
FACT_ACCT: Related with each document?

Q Wang
  • Q Wang

    Q Wang - 2006-11-02

    Does anybody know if the FACT_ACCT table is related to any document (invoice/shipment/payment/allocation, etc)?  In our "account viewer", we could view the GL postings by selecting the document, and the account viewer only shows the GL posting entries that the selected document posted.  However, in oracle database, it looks like there is no linkages between the FACT_ACCT table and other document tables such as C_ORDER, C_INVOICE, C_PAYMENT...

    Recently we have some documents lost from the database, and the lost also impacted the GL (which are recorded in FACT_ACCT table I believe).  In order to recover the lost documents, the impact to GL should be identified but the relationship of FACT_ACCT and C_PAYMENT... is not clear...Has anybody come across this kind of problem before?


    • ADAXA

      ADAXA - 2006-11-02

      An invoice with an ID of C_Invoice-C_Invoice_ID=1002662 (visible by clicking bottom right hand corner of invoice window) will be recorded in the accounting facts as
      table = invoice
      record_ID = 1002662.

      Using the Advanced Find in the invoice window (at least in 253d) and selecting
      [Invoice (ID) = 1002662] will find that invoice.


    • Q Wang

      Q Wang - 2006-11-14

      This mechanism is smart...that's why there is no foreign key relationships between the acct fact table and the documents!  Thanks adaxa... Q

    • Eduardo Montenegro

      This mechanism enables the multiple accouting consequences for the same document. (i.e.: multiple Accounting Schemas) That's why you have this design.


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