
Update Accounting Balance takes FOREVER

  • Chris Farley

    Chris Farley - 2006-05-12

    I've been using Compiere for about 4 1/2 months now. I have noticed that each time I run "Update Accounting Balance", it takes longer and longer to complete the task. It is about 12 hours per month that my business has been using Compiere. Right now it is taking over 2 days to update the accounting balances on my dual 2.4 GHz Xeon server.

    This kind of stinks, as I often have to make decisions that require I have a good picture of the financials. I can deal with a 2 day lag, but if this lag increases with the size of my database I will be in trouble. Two years from now, if I don't upgrade my server, the process of updating accounting balances will take two weeks! This will be unacceptable...

    Here are some questions maybe someone can answer:

    - If I close an accounting period, does this speed up the "Update Accounting Balance" process? Right now, I have never closed an accounting period.
    - Is there a way to incrementally update the accounting balance? Based on the time required to complete the process,I am guessing that Compiere is re-calculating all the daily balances starting at day zero whenever I run that process. Shouldn't some kind of incremental update be possible?


    • ADAXA

      ADAXA - 2006-05-18

      This issue (among others) caused us to find other ways to report.   Our solution was to create our own accounting fact details view which resolved all ID's and added some extra columns of data. we then point an excel spreadsheet with multiple worksheets containing pivot tables at the view. it then takes less than 30 seconds to refresh the spreadsheet to give P&Ls, Bal Sheets, sales report etc on a system with about 100k accounting facts. 

    • Chris Farley

      Chris Farley - 2006-07-20

      Wow. My company has over 1,000,000 accounting facts. We've only been using Compiere since Jan 1.

      In any case, thanks for the tip. I wrote a separate java program to produce Profit & Loss statements and Balance Sheets. It takes about 5 minutes to generate  a balance sheet, and much less to generate a monthly profit and loss.

      Still, I'm disturbed by the size of the fact_acct table. If we use Compiere for 5 years on the current hardware, we will be waiting an hour to produce a balance sheet unless we can somehow consolidate or archive the old accounting facts...

      • Trifon (An ADempiere founder)


        This is really a problem. I was thinking about partitioning of tables in Oracle, but i had no time to paly with it.


    • albert

      albert - 2006-07-21

      Use Rebuild or Update...
      Why not Rebuild...
      I Know you can do it..


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