
inter org documents

  • Alejandro Alliana

    I'm trying to implement a client in which a created different departments which must make requisitions.  These requisitions then should be processed by the department of purchases.

    I created an organization for each department (also for the department of purchases)

    It is possible to make  my organization Department of purchases  see the requisitions carried out by the other organizations?. 

    Is it wrong to create an organization for each department?

    Thanks in advance


    • Steven

      Steven - 2004-09-17

      can you create a purchasing role that lets purchasing people log in and see the purchase order related windows for all organisations?

    • wkfong

      wkfong - 2004-09-18

      Yes it is posible to make your department see others, but it is not by organization but by using roles.

      Just create different USERs and assign them ROLEs like purchasing or sales. Then go to ROLE ACCESS and define what the different roles can and cannot do.

      For your last question, it is not wrong to create different organizations.

      Hope this helps.


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