usuario90210 - 2009-10-16

Hello I'm trying to intall compiere2 in wondowsXP but I can't. I'm following a manual that is in compiere's web page but when I arrive to the moment in which I have to click in "START DROP OLD and CREATE New Database" I get the next message:

13:13:45.406 ProgressPanel.cmd: DROP OLD and create NEW Database  13:13:45.406 ProgressPanel.publish: ** Start(pcyo SYSTEM)  13:13:45.453 ProgressPanel.cmd_import: jdbc:oracle:thin:@//pcyo:1521/xe  13:13:45.453 ProgressPanel.publish: Dropping Database  ===========> ProgressPanel.publish: DROP USER SYSTEM CASCADE ORA-01940: no se puede borrar un usuario conectado actualmente

SO I decide to create a new user in oracle thatis compiere with its password. I click again in RUN_setup and when I arrive to the same point, I get the next message:

1:58:46.718 ProgressPanel.cmd: DROP OLD and create NEW Database  11:58:46.718 ProgressPanel.publish: ** Start(pcyo compiere)  11:58:46.734 ProgressPanel.cmd_import: jdbc:oracle:thin:@//pcyo:1521/xe  11:58:46.734 ProgressPanel.publish: Dropping Database  11:58:46.828 ProgressPanel.publish: Creating Database  ===========> ProgressPanel.publish: CREATE USER COMPIERE IDENTIFIED BY *mycontraseña* DEFAULT TABLESPACE USERS TEMPORARY TABLESPACE TEMP PROFILE DEFAULT ACCOUNT UNLOCK ORA-00988: faltan las contraseñas o no son válidas  11:58:46.843 ProgressPanel.publish: ** Finished  11:58:46.859 ProgressPanel.finished: Worker success=true  11:58:46.859 ProgressPanel.enableUI: true

And the thing is that it deletes the compiere user, because if I  login in oracle I can see that the compiere user doesn't exist anymore. I can't follow because I don't know why I can't create de Data Base.

I hope you can help me. Thank you!!