
Sneak Peek – Compiere's New Web Architecture

  • Bill Freedman

    Bill Freedman - 2007-11-09

    As many of you know, Compiere is working on a next-generation Web Architecture. Today we are providing a sneak peek at the forthcoming technology on the Compiere web site at:

    This is a rather ambitious project offering multiple benefits. Compiere users gain a modern, interactive and feature-rich Compiere client that provides easy and secure access from a web browser. IT administrators benefit from not having to install or administer client software on every desktop.

    We want to know what you think. Please share your comments regarding the Web Architecture demo to this thread. Thanks!

    Bill Freedman
    Compiere, Inc.

    • Trifon (An ADempiere founder)

      Hi Mr. Freedman,

      i'm going to break my promise not to post in this forums, but i just wanted to write that the demo looks good!

      Good job!

      Kind regards,

      • Redhuan D. Oon

        Redhuan D. Oon - 2007-11-10

        Hi Bill,
        Yes, it looks good. Congrats!

        U beat me to it :-)


    • albert

      albert - 2007-11-10

      Like OpenBravo / Better than OpenBravo ?

      Where is ERP Kenel <Accounting : Account Auto Determincation Mappping for DocType?>

      Still direct assign Account-combination,,,Accounting Engine only check baseDocType ?

      Pretty ? Okay  <<Web new face >>

      Health ? Great <<ERP Kenel mapping >>

      Wish Compiere Pretty and Health

    • Robin Hoo SP

      Robin Hoo SP - 2007-11-11

      The recorded demo look good. Anywhere I can get a copy to try ? ...Robin

    • Don@Compiere

      Don@Compiere - 2007-11-18

      The Compiere 3.0 product is currently in Beta testing with Compiere Partners and subscription customers.  Production availability is scheduled for early December.  In a few weeks we plan to host a demo version on the Compiere web site so that you can play with the software without needing to download and install it.
      Don @ Compiere

    • Robin Hoo SP

      Robin Hoo SP - 2007-11-19

      Great. Looking forward to it.

      • zompiere

        zompiere - 2007-11-20

        Will this Compiere Professional Edition still be open source?

        I think the WEB UI is available for paid subscribers, isn't it?

        • Jo n-b

          Jo n-b - 2007-11-20

          I understand all existing open source remains open source. However the New Web Architecture is licenced, so only avaliable to subscribers. How this will affect open source users in the future is unclear. I'd suggest this puts into question Compieres commitment to continuing to be an open source provider. What does anyone else think?

          • Vladimir

            Vladimir - 2007-11-27

            I'm currently evaluating this product for a large implementation in Australia, and number one requirement is to have a full blown product web driven.
            If it turns i need to talk to sales or other company's rep to find out how to enable web component I would not bother myself doing it.
            ...cause I have expertise to evaluate the product myself and make a conclusion.

    • Bill Freedman

      Bill Freedman - 2007-11-22

      Hi jonobaac,

      Thanks for checking our the Web Architecture sneak peek. You are correct
      in your assertion that "all existing open source remains open source."

      But there is more. Compiere continues to be a steadfast developer of
      open source ERP and CRM solutions. In fact, we've invested more
      resources in development and testing of open source software in 2007
      than at any time in our history.

      It is no secret to followers of this forum that Compiere is pursuing a
      dual licensing strategy. We are committed to providing the finest ERP
      and CRM solution available via an open source license--just as we've
      done for nearly seven years. At the same time, we are expanding our
      product line-up and services to better address the needs of mid-sized
      and larger companies.

      We are not the first successful open source company to expand its
      product line. Compiere aspires to follow in the footsteps of open source
      leaders like Red Hat, MySQL and SugarCRM, to name a few.

      All of us at Compiere are working hard to get an innovative and high
      quality open source release to you as quickly as we can. The complete
      details of our expanded product line-up will be unveiled along with the
      software releases--just as quickly as we can.

      Thanks for your continuing support.

      Bill Freedman
      Compiere, Inc.

    • Emerson Ricardo Rodrigues

      Hi, Bill... Congratulations for the new interface, it's a great improvement !

      I have a question... Compiere is ready for DB2 ?

    • Himanshu  Walia

      Himanshu Walia - 2009-08-01

      hi all

      i have used the below code  in my Compiere Application for printing IReport.

      Its working fine for first 4 or 5 prints , but after that , if i click Print Button   application  goes into hange state and  Database Connection get Lost  resulting in throwing @NoDBConnection@ exception .

      i tried relpacing my Database to Oracle 10 G  from Oracle Xe  edition , but Stil the same  problem persists .

      this problem only coming in case of jasper ireport Prnting , other wise Application is running fine with perfect Database Conncetivity .

      Please Suggest the possible way out to this problem ?

      is Something went wrong in my code ? or some other problem ?

      With Regards

      Himanshu Walia

      protected String doIt() throws Exception {
      path =getpath.path("");
           str = Getpath.ReadProp(path, "Okaya.jasper");
            t.put("C_ORDER_ID", c_order_id);
           JasperPrint prnt = JasperFillManager.fillReport(str, t, CConnection.get().createConnection(false, 8));

      JRViewerProvider viewerLauncher = ReportStarter.getReportViewerProvider();

         viewerLauncher.openViewer(prnt, "Dispatch Advice");          

      Full Exception trace after 4-5 Prints

      -----------> DB.dumpBorrowers: Connection[0]=oracle.jdbc.driver.LogicalConnection@bb6d85 borrowed from:  [13]
          at org.compiere.util.DB.getCachedConnection(
          at org.compiere.util.Trx.<init>(
          at org.compiere.util.Trx.get(
          at org.compiere.process.SvrProcess.startProcess(
          at org.compiere.apps.ProcessCtl.startProcess(

      -----------> DB.dumpBorrowers: Connections remaining: 1 [13]
      -----------> iR_Okaya.startProcess: DB.getCachedConnection() - @NoDBConnection@ [13]
      java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: DB.getCachedConnection() - @NoDBConnection@
          at org.compiere.util.DB.getCachedConnection(
          at org.compiere.util.CPreparedStatement.<init>(
          at org.compiere.util.DB.executeUpdate(
          at org.compiere.util.DB.executeUpdate(
          at org.compiere.process.SvrProcess.lock(
          at org.compiere.process.SvrProcess.startProcess(
          at org.compiere.apps.ProcessCtl.startProcess(


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