

  • kiki232

    kiki232 - 2005-10-17

    I like to know a little more details about MFGSCM and how to integrate it in compiere.
    is what somebody can help me on this subject because I did not understand the utilities of this project MFGSCM.


    • Andre Charles Legendre


      To know more details about MFGSCM you can read docs :
      Objectives of the project at :
      Concepts at :
      Architecture at :

      MFG SCM cannot be integrated but it can be interfaced with Compiere ERP + SCM (and other ERP) . ERP Interface is describe at.

      MFG SCM is still at integration tests level. We are very late, but we keep working hard.

      We have more delays because we are integrating MFG SCM with eclipse.
      Part of MFG SCM is already in production without problems from more than 4 months for some part manufacturer for automotive industry.
      User interface and installation still need to b improved.
      We have published some small elements, we are going to publish new release of our db plugin. For the core part we are waiting for the new release of rio (Jini/Sun) with ALV2 license to avoid any licence compatibility. We get info that they will publish it soon (a few weeks) then we ill have to move to this new release and then we will be able to publish the core part.

      If you need more elements, just ask.

      Hope this help

      Andre Legendre

    • kiki232

      kiki232 - 2005-10-18

      what I have to include/understand it is that Mfg-SCM is software like compiere
      can you help me to install Mfg-SCM so that I can work with.

      • Andre Charles Legendre

        Hi kiki

        MFG SCM is not a product like Compiere ERP + CRM
        it is complementary software.

        If you had taken a look to objectives document you would have seen that MFG + SCM is mainly a MES. This is very different.

        What you can find to download now in our project is an eclipse plugin for database management.
        It's use is focused on MFG  SCM ndOJB (the Apache group presistence layer we are using). We will publish a new release soon.
        You can also find a barcode extension for iReport.

        Rio project (jini/Sun) just announced yesterday it's move to ALV2 license. We will be able to deliver the core part of MFG SCM as soon as we will have move to this new release.

        As we are currently working on new function of the case study. (integration of mobiles). We will do this next.

        Best regards.


    • kiki232

      kiki232 - 2005-10-19

      hi Andre,
      thank you very much

      I would await your version .exe impatiently.
      good luck


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