
Video Support?

  • Bill

    Bill - 2005-12-07

    One more question. Will there be any video support? I tried a module for easymoblog but it did not work. I a hoping for .3g2 support. Is this something that is being worked on?

    • iamdecal

      iamdecal - 2005-12-07

      im working on this at the momment (well im trying to find time to) 

      its for mp4 at the momment as thats what my phone creates but in theory it should be too hard to use other formats

      the one problem is finding a web broweser based plug in that will play the format for your phone, i think quick time will play yours, but it would be useful to us if you could confirm that.

    • Bill

      Bill - 2005-12-07

      Yes, quicktime does play .3g2.  There was a guy that created a module for easymoblog that was to be able to play video but I couldn't get it to work. The module installed fine but whenever I tried to add video I got the error stating unsupported format. But I think the module was add it from e-mail but I couldn't get the mod_batch to work with easymoblog. Maybe I will work on that module so it can work with comoblog and see if it works from e-mail.

    • Bill

      Bill - 2005-12-07

      Here is a link from the easymoblog forum for a mod that will supposedly add the 3g2 support. There is a link in it to download the file also.

    • Bill

      Bill - 2005-12-08

      Check this out. It took me all day and I don't really know what I did but I emailed a video from my phone and I now have .3g2 support. Check it out:

      I took the files from the easymoblog link I posted earlier, modified the quicktime module to verify with CoMoblog, pulled the modified code from the easymoblog files and inserted it in the proper places in the CoMoblog files and it works. Wood this work for other video formats as well if you changed the file extension noted in the code? Maybe this could help with the video support. The guy that wrote the code is David Bennett. Sorry for bugging you guys so much but I really like this software and would like to do my part to help out in anyway I can!

      • iamdecal

        iamdecal - 2005-12-08

        ecxelllent work, well done that man,

        needs putting into cvs, contact mark for access, or put them into a zip and upload to the patches area and one of us will do it for you.

        1 thing that might need a tweak, as i didnt have quick time installed, there was nothing on the page to show that its a video, (apart from the title of the post ;-) is there away to server a "needs quick time" image instead.


      • Mark Wallis (aka serialmonkey)

        Looks good. I'm away for a couple of days but when I get back I'll work through how it all hangs together, probably do some cleanup and release the module.

        This will do as a good temporary measure until we can get some decent video support actually into the base code - which is a major feature of v2.0.

        • Mark Wallis (aka serialmonkey)

          Okay, I've rolled support into CVS this based off the patches Bill has provied.

          Can someone please email a video to devblog - at - so I can see if it works ?

          Afraid my phone doesn't use 3g2.


    • Bill

      Bill - 2005-12-11

      I just emailed you a test video.

      • Mark Wallis (aka serialmonkey)

        Thanks, working well :-) Will make 1.1


      Can you confirm that this works?

      I've tried using the new code in the CVS and using the easymoblog quicktime module, i put all the version stuff for comoblog in the XML file. But i just cant seem to get it to work.

      All i seem to get is a blank space where the video should be.

      Maybe i'm doing something totally stupid.

    • Bill

      Bill - 2005-12-13

      Do you have quicktime installed? I have it up working as I modified it all to work. you can check it here:


      Yeah i have quicktime install.

      Could you email me the module you used and added to your blog incase i've messed mine up.

      petermuir17 [at]

      • Mark Wallis (aka serialmonkey)

        I'm actually seeing the same thing at the moment - hopefully will get to investigate today, think I may have rolled something incorrectly into the batch script.

    • Bill

      Bill - 2005-12-13

      I just e-mailed it to you. Make sure to follow the instructions. If you used the quicktime module from Easymoblog you may want to uninstall it and use the one included with the files I just sent. It has been modified to verify with CoMoblog.

    • Bill

      Bill - 2005-12-13

      For 'upgrading' with the files I sent, make sure that you only upload the files that are in each directory. Do not overwrite the entire directory! Only the modified files are in each folder. For instance, post.php and index.php go in the root directory, comoblog_batch.php goes in the batch directory and index.tpl.htm goes in the templates directory. Then if you want you can install the Quicktime module just to let your visitors know that quictime is required to view the videos. Let me know if you have any questions.


      • Mark Wallis (aka serialmonkey)

        I actually manually diffed the files you provided against my current workspace and rolled it in as I have some code in there that isn't in CVS as of yet.

        I'll trace it through today.


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