
problem with hub4com as DLL

  • rlevanm

    rlevanm - 2007-09-16


    I am trying hub4com for my own project to see how it works and I got this weird problem:

    1. I compiled the application with VC++ for Win32 XP and run it as hub4com.exe, everything worked correctly. I was able to connect 2 com ports to 1. My command line wss as follows.

    >hub4com.exe --bi-route=All:All --baud=38400 \\.\COM3 --baud=38400 \\.\COM5 \\.\COM6

    All bytes are transmitted correct to/from COM3 from/to COM5 and COM6.

    2. But when I tried to run the same code as DLL. Only and always the 1st port behaved correctly.

    >RunDll32 hub4com,RunMain --bi-route=All:All --baud=38400 \\.\COM3 --baud=38400 \\.\COM5 \\.\COM6

    In this case I could read/write from COM3 to COM5 but not COM6. If I switched the positions of COM5 and COM6 in the command line, then I could read/write from COM3 from/to COM6 but not COM5.

    Anyone knows why the difference between the .exe and the DLL? Help please.

    PS: I just add the follwing lines to run hub4com as DLL. The rest was not touched.


    #pragma comment(linker, "/EXPORT:RunMain@1=RunMain")
    void CALLBACK RunMain
    (HWND hwnd, HINSTANCE hinst, LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
        int argc = 0;
        char * argv[10];

        char * pch;
        pch = strtok (lpszCmdLine, " ,");
        while (pch != NULL)
            cout << pch << endl;
            argv[argc] = strdup(pch);
            pch = strtok (NULL, " ,");

        main(argc, (char **)argv);

    • Vyacheslav Frolov

      >RunDll32 hub4com,RunMain --bi-route=All:All ...

      The argv[0] is a program path. Fix RunMain or use

      RunDll32 hub4com,RunMain hub4com --bi-route=All:All ...

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-06-21


    Thanks for release of this wonderful program.

    I'm also trying to convert this program into DLL, and calling the DLL from a program that is written with C# using using P/Invoke.

    but I'm facing some problems to properly release and unload the DLL, for example close the COM Ports, Close the connections, properly release the plugins etc. I can only do that by restarting the program… That's where I realized that I should learn more about programming…

    Is there a way to properly shut all the connections without having the program restarted?

    Thanks a lot!



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