tngmech - 2009-11-20

It appears there's a bug in v4.01 because it's based on Commons Collections 3.1. At least a diff of the sources showed that this problem is still in v4.0.1 (note the ref to BoundedFifoBuffer)

The BoundedFifoBuffer.iterator.remote() method differs and appears not to work properly in the generified version, so the CircularFifoBuffer is also unusable.
I'm having trouble using remove(Object) on such buffers as they rely on iterator.remove() which appears to be broken in 3.1., hence also this v4.01

Will there be an update of this to be based on Collections 3.2.1 ?

Missing code snippet in the iterator.remove according to diff is:

if (start < lastReturnedIndex && pos < end) {
                    // shift in one part
                    System.arraycopy(elements, pos, elements,
                            lastReturnedIndex, end - pos);
                } else {