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    Welcome to Open Discussion

    • Rick Comeau

      Rick Comeau - 2008-04-22

      I understand the need to export from modo but what about bringing content into modo for editing. Will there be an importer or is someone already working on it??

      DAZ Studio and Makehumans already will export 3d to collada but they both need to work that modo could provide before moving that content to full animation (lightwave/maya/etc...).

    • David Vasquez

      David Vasquez - 2008-04-23

      modo 302 already has a Collada importer, although I haven't done much with it, since my workflow primarily involves exporting content from modo into a game engine.

      It's my understanding from other users that the Collada importer that comes with modo is fairly buggy, so perhaps someone could develop a new importer now that the File I/O SDK is available.


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