
mount: special device /dev/codb1 does not exi

  • Giacomo Masseroni

    Hi everybody,
    i can't mount windows or fat partition, cause i get the error in subject when i try to mount it with this command:
    mount -t vfat /dev/codb1 /mnt/shared

    This is my xml config file:
    ...block_device index='1' path='\Device\Harddisk1\Partition5' enabled='true'...

    Cause i have a fat partition in hda5.

    Somebody can help me

    • Henry N.

      Henry N. - 2006-01-12

      You should not do that, because you risk data crash with more as one OS on same FAT partion.

      You can mount your FAT or NTFS partion with "cofs", this is usable in version 0.6.3 or later.  Please see in the wiki for configuration.

      For devolopers: FAT is enabled, but should not. FAT needs NLS, and this is not enabled in kernel config. That's why FAT can not mount.


    • Quillby

      Quillby - 2007-08-19

      I also did not do this. In the new version of colinux you don't need xml files. It is just a .conf file made with notepad or wordpad.
      In this conf file I add the line for entering e.g. drive C: and D: (my datadisk). It is wise to use only the D: drive and not C: which is your windows system drive.

      In the conf file add

      In linux you can mount this drive by
      mount -t cofs 0 /mnt/windows

      if linux protests mkdir /mnt/windows and mount again
      now go to this folder cd /mnt/windows and with ls you see the contents of your D: drive.
      in /etc/fstab (Mandriva) add the line
      cofs0 /mnt/windows cofs defaults 0 0

      This should do the trick.

      Good luck.


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