

Stephan Wienert

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Project Admins:


  • Dung

    Dung - 2013-04-24

    Dear Admin,

    I downloaded source code of CognitionMaster, but I got trouble about using it.

    When I ran the source code, it try to open the external CognitionMaster which was installed previously.

    When I changed to "Start Project" in "Debug" tab, it ran the code but not as same as the installed version.

    Please take a look to this problem,

    • Stephan Wienert

      Stephan Wienert - 2013-04-24


      i think i did not understand that right. Do you get a different behaviour of CognitionMaster or do you simply have different version numbers when executing your compiled version?


      • Dung

        Dung - 2013-04-24

        Hi Stephan,

        I complied the code but it has different behaviours.
        It does not have "Process" menu, Tab on the right panel, clicked functions on buttons.


        You can have a look at the picture.

        Thanks for replying,

  • Dung

    Dung - 2013-04-24

    Not found the solution yet


    Last edit: Dung 2013-04-24
    • Stephan Wienert

      Stephan Wienert - 2013-04-24


      the Process menu and the tab pages come from the #Accessory.CogntionMaster.DefaultPlugins.dll. CognitionMaster parses all dll files in the startup path to find plugins. If you launch CognitionMaster directly from its bin\release folder you will not have the plugins because the corresponding dll file is not located in this directory. I use build events to copy the dll files and CognitionMaster.exe to the program files folder and then launch CognitionMaster from that folder.


  • Dung

    Dung - 2013-04-24


    I just ran Debug -> Run in IDE, so it should load all plugins as you said. I did not launch directly from the bin/release folder.

    I did not get the two following ideas.

      When I press Run Debug, it will start external program instead of launching complied code.

      Why do we need to use those commands with "S:#Accessory..." which is not real directory in a computer hard disk.

    3. As a result, those commands will make error as I compiled the code

    Thanks for your support,


    Last edit: Dung 2013-04-24
    • Stephan Wienert

      Stephan Wienert - 2013-04-24

      Hi Dung,

      if you run the software from within your IDE the executable from the bin\release folder of the start project is executed. That is why i use the built events to copy the binaries to the program files folder and configured the project to execute CognitionMaster from there. Because these pathes are specific for my computer you get the mentioned errors. If you want to use the built events you have to change the pathes in the project settings (built events tab) to the correct project location on your computer. If you dont want use the built events then just remove the commands in the project settings. You may then execute CognitionMaster from the bin\release folder of the DefaultPlugins Project.


  • Dung

    Dung - 2013-04-24

    I got it.
    In fact I find that it is hard to find event-handlers without using Design Form in your project (Just my opinion). I will try to understand.

    Again, thanks you!

    • Stephan Wienert

      Stephan Wienert - 2013-04-25

      Hi Dung,

      did you see our quick guide? You may open it via the windows start menu Programs => CognitionMaster => Quick Guide or via pressing F1 within CognitionMaster. If you want to change the behaviour for specific buttons or menu entries you may write a plugin and overwrite the OnItemClicked method.

      If you have any other questions just contact me.


  • Dung

    Dung - 2013-05-02

    Hi Stephan,

    I want to change exited behavior directly of menu buttons instead of overriding, I have been searching for OnItemClicked methods but with no luck. I did open Quick Guide and doxygen.

    It is really hard to trace codes. What I tried was searching keywords on menu items for example "Contour Based Segmentation RGB", "Object Layer"... The results were not found.I also manually opened files on projects but still no luck.

    Can you suggest ways to reach those methods.


    • Stephan Wienert

      Stephan Wienert - 2013-05-02


      to change or add menu entires you can use ProgramMainMenu.cs in the #Accessory.CognitionMaster project. There are all menu entries except the "Process" menu. This menu entry is created dynamically by the ProcessMenu plugin which is defined in ProcessMenu.cs in the #Accessory.CognitionMaster.DefaultPlugins Project.


      • Dung

        Dung - 2013-05-03

        Thanks Stephan.


  • Dung

    Dung - 2013-05-27

    Hi Stephan,

    About the "Process" menu, when I compile the code, it finds the plugin files in the directory: path=Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData)+PROCESS_PATH;

    But the files in this directory are installed when we setup CognitionMaster.exe

    Can you suggest me the solution that I do not have to install CognitionMaster.exe but plugins are loaded fully.


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