
Code tags


Code tags

The CodeXCavator tool allows to tag source code with keywords. This can be done by placing keywords into source code comments. It allows to mark sections of code as being related to a certain topic.
The [CodeXCavator Finder] provides a separate search for tags and also displays a list of all tags, which have been encountered by the [CodeXCavator Indexer].

Code tag syntax

Code tags have to be enclosed into +# and #+ in order to be recognized by the indexer.



This will define a code tag FileIo.

Code tag urls

Each tag can additionally be associated with one or mulitple urls. Each url has to be enclosed into squared brackets and have to be placed directly after the tag, it should be associated with. Multiple tags, can be placed one after another.

The indexer merges all urls for a specific tag, even if the tag has been placed in multiple files.



This defines a tag named FileIo and associates it with the url

Additionally you can provide an alternate caption for an url associated with a tag. The caption has to be enclosed into angle brackets and must be placed right after the url. If provided, the caption will be displayed instead of the url, in the tag url navigation context menu.


+#FileIo#+[]<File input and output>

This defines a tag named FileIo and associates it with the url The caption "File input and output" will be displayed in the tag url navigation context menu instead of the url.

Search urls

Besides standard urls, like http: or file: urls, it's possible to specify a special xcav: url, which allows to associate a tag, with a CodeXCavator search phrase. When the user selects such an url from the tag url navigation context menu, a search will be issued in the CodeXCavator finder, with the corresponding search phrase.


+#FileIo#+[xcav://fwrite OR fopen OR fread OR fclose]<File input and output>

This defines a tag named FileIo and associates it with the search url xcav://fwrite OR fopen OR fread OR fclose. The caption "File input and output" will be displayed in the tag navigation context menu instead of the url. When selecting this url from the tag url navigation context menu, this will start a search within the current index for the words fwrite, fopen and fread.

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