
Built-in File Actions

Built-in File Actions

Right-clicking file entries will issue a file action context menu.

Currently the following built-in file actions are available:

Action Description
Close all files This will close all currently opened files.
Close all files but this This will close all currently opened files except for the file, on which the action was invoked.
Copy full path to clipboard This will copy the full path of the file on which the action was invoked to the clipboard.
Copy name to clipboard This will copy just the file name of the file on which the action was invoked.
Copy directory to clipboard This will copy just the path of the base directory in which the file on which the action was invoked is contained.
Open containing folder This will open the folder in which the file is located on which the action was invoked.
Open file with external editor This will open the file with the editor, which is registered for the type of the file on which the action was invoked within the system.
Open file with external editor as administrator This will open the file with the editor, which is registered for the type of the file on which the action was invoked within the system. The editor will be opened with elevated administrator privileges

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