
Can't create a Comment

  • JuanJoseHernandez

    I have just installed Codestriker v. 1.9.2 on RHE 3 with mysql and everything seems to work ok except that I can't create a comment. When I click on a line number in a diff file, I get the following error message: "eo is not defined"

    Here's what I added to my httpd.conf:
    ScriptAlias /codestriker/ "var/www/html//codestriker-1.9.2/cgi-bin/"
    Alias /codestrikerhtml "/var/www/html//codestriker-1.9.2/html"

    any idea?

    • David Sitsky

      David Sitsky - 2006-12-17

      The eo function is defined in codestriker.js.  See if you can access this as:


      If you can't, then there is a problem with your apache setup.  Check out your apache error/access log files.


    • JuanJoseHernandez

      David: I am able to view the codestriker.js file when I use the path you suggested.  Any other ideas?

    • David Sitsky

      David Sitsky - 2006-12-18

      Hmmm - can you send me the html output from a sample topic?  Please send it to sits AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net.  Thanks.


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