
NT Download version

  • Pascal HULALKA

    Pascal HULALKA - 2002-12-19

    Could you build a NT Version from your software and save it in a ZIP file?

    • David Sitsky

      David Sitsky - 2002-12-24

      In theory, Codestriker will work under NT, but to install it, you will need to install Apache, ActiveState Perl, and all the required modules.  I haven't had time to try this myself, but in theory, it should work.

    • Jason Don Stracner

      How about IIS?  It there any way to get this working with IIS?  Has anyone attempted this?

      • David Sitsky

        David Sitsky - 2003-08-18

        I don't know anybody who has tried this, but I would love it if you could try.  There is no apache-specific code in Codestriker, as it was designed to be able to run as a vanilla CGI script.

        I am currently revamping all the documentation into a proper guide for the next release, and I have mentioned this.  If you have success with IIS, I'll add in the appropriate documentationn for other users.

    • David Sitsky

      David Sitsky - 2004-11-02

      This is a fairly old item now.  Codestriker works fine under NT and using ISS.


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