
Google Chorme issue

  • Pro4Life

    Pro4Life - 2008-09-13

    Hello is there any solution for CodePress to work correct with Google Chrome browser.. I suppose that does not work in Safari either..

    Any help will be great !

    • brad laney

      brad laney - 2008-10-31

      I'm working on this and will get back to you.


      This bug was also reported on the Chromium bug tracker at Google.  Please comment on the bug as you make progress or fix it so we can close the bug.



    • MMJ

      MMJ - 2008-12-10

      A quick and dirty fix would be to change line 15 of codepress.html to:

      else if(ua.match('KHTML')) engine = 'gecko';

      Syntax highlight works but live syntax highlighting doesn't.

      Either way though the current CodePress codebase is old and doesn't even work properly on newer versions of Firefox.

      I personally decided to move over to CodeMirror.


      Any progress on this issue?

      • Adam Jimenez

        Adam Jimenez - 2009-06-15

        codepress is abandonware


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