
CodeNarc / News: Recent posts

CodeNarc 0.5 Released

CodeNarc is a static analysis tool for Groovy source code.

Version 0.5 adds
- A new "grails" ruleset and nine new rules:
* GrailsStatelessServiceRule (grails)
* GrailsPublicControllerMethodRule (grails)
* GrailsServletContextReferenceRule (grails)
* GrailsSessionReferenceRule (grails)
* StatelessClassRule (generic)
* EmptySynchronizedStatementRule (basic).
* EmptySwitchStatementRule (basic).
* EqualsAndHashCodeRule (basic)
* JUnitPublicNonTestMethodRule (junit).
- Run CodeNarc as a command-line application (org.codenarc.CodeNarc).
- Create new rules using Groovy scripts.
- Filter rules based on class and/or package (applyToClassNames and doNotApplyToClassNames)
- Normalize all separators (/,\) in SourceCode paths to '/'.
- Enable setting violationMessage of a rule to an empty string to turn it off.
- Deprecate applyToFilenames and doNotApplyToFilenames; rename to applyToFileNames and doNotApplyToFileNames.

Posted by Chris Mair 2009-05-25

CodeNarc 0.4 Released

CodeNarc is a static analysis tool for Groovy source code.

Version 0.4 adds 17 new rules, and:
* Support for wildcards (*,?) in RuleSet <include> and <exclude>, and in Rule.applyToFilenames.
* Fix for configuration from properties files - allow setting superclass fields.
* Improve violation information for imports - line number and actual source line.
* Add better logging, including stacktrace, when an error occurs during processing.

Posted by Chris Mair 2009-04-01

CodeNarc 0.3 Released

CodeNarc is a static analysis tool for Groovy source code.

Version 0.3 adds 8 new rules, optional configuration through properties file, rule-enablement based on filename, and support for failing the build if number of violations exceeds a configured threshold.

Posted by Chris Mair 2009-03-03

CodeNarc 0.2 Released

CodeNarc is a static analysis tool for Groovy source code.

Version 0.2 adds 8 new rules and more powerful and flexible RuleSet definition, including nested RuleSets with filtering and rule configuration.

Posted by Chris Mair 2009-02-07

CodeNarc 0.1 Released

CodeNarc is a static analysis tool for Groovy source code, enabling monitoring and enforcement of many coding standards and best practices. CodeNarc applies a set of Rules (predefined and/or custom) that are applied to each Groovy file, and generates an HTML report of the results, including a list of rules violated for each source file, and a count of the number of violations per package and for the whole project.... read more

Posted by Chris Mair 2009-01-24