
#78 Orphaned #endif


coan.exe, version 5.2 for 64 bit Windows(built Sep 7 2013,16:53:55)
Windows 7 64bit

coan.exe source -UPS1 -UPS2 -V --no-transients -xe -kd -r test.h
coan.exe: progress 0x00101: Processing file (1) "test.h"
coan.exe: test.h: line 7: error 0x00803: Orphan #endif
coan.exe: progress 0x02101: Completed with errors, exit code 0x06


ifndef __MNM_MESH_GRID_H

define __MNM_MESH_GRID_H

pragma once

endif // #ifndef __MNM_MESH_GRID_H

Adding empty line to the top of the file fixes the issue:

ifndef __MNM_MESH_GRID_H

define __MNM_MESH_GRID_H

pragma once

endif // #ifndef __MNM_MESH_GRID_H


  • vaseo

    vaseo - 2013-10-16

    Second version of the code is the same, only with added empty line as the 1st line.

  • Mike Kinghan

    Mike Kinghan - 2013-10-17

    I'm not able to reproduce this bug.

    It is not quite certain what the content of test.h should be. I believe that markdown has messed it
    up in the bug report and that it should be.

    ~~~~~~~~~~ test.h file begins

    ifndef __MNM_MESH_GRID_H

    define __MNM_MESH_GRID_H

    pragma once

    endif // #ifndef __MNM_MESH_GRID_H

    ~~~~~~~~~~ file ends

    with nothing preceding or following the non-empty lines. When I ran the given commandline on this file the output file was identical to the input, as it should be, and there was no error.

    Removing the -r|--replace option sends the output file to the console. In that case I get:

    C:\develop\coan-5.2\coan\x64\Release>coan source -UPS1 -UPS2 -V --no-transients
    -xe -kd test.h
    coan: while parsing options: warning 0x0041f: The --no-transients option prohibi
    ts coan from taking account of the effects of in-source #define and #undef direc
    tives. Use at your own risk.
    coan: progress 0x00105: Args: source -UPS1 -UPS2 -V --no-transients -xe -kd test
    coan: progress 0x00102: Building input tree
    coan: progress 0x00103: To do (1) "C:\develop\coan-5.2\coan\x64\Release\test.h"
    coan: progress 0x00104: 1 files to process
    coan: progress 0x00101: Processing file (1) "C:\develop\coan-5.2\coan\x64\Releas
    #ifndef __MNM_MESH_GRID_H
    #define __MNM_MESH_GRID_H
    #pragma once
    #endif // #ifndef __MNM_MESH_GRID_H
    coan: progress 0x02101: Completed with warnings, exit code 0x02
    coan: info 0x02201: 1 out of 1 input files were reached; 0 files were not reache
    coan: info 0x02202: 1 out of 1 files reached were valid; 0 were abandoned due to
     parse errors

    I am attaching the exact file I tested. Can you post as an attachment the exact file that
    is giving you is giving this error?

    • vaseo

      vaseo - 2013-10-17

      I see the problem now, it is a unicode leading character at the beginning of the file. When you move the ifdef to a different line, it is fine.

  • Mike Kinghan

    Mike Kinghan - 2013-11-03
    • assigned_to: Mike Kinghan
  • Mike Kinghan

    Mike Kinghan - 2014-08-15

    Apparent bug due to a BOM at start of file.

  • Mike Kinghan

    Mike Kinghan - 2014-08-15
    • status: open --> wont-fix

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