
so_resolv issues with accessing authenticated HTTP URLs

  • Paul Pasika

    Paul Pasika - 2017-02-08

    I am trying to access a URL with authentication in it and it seems that cntlm is trying to resolve it as if it's an FQDN, and failing. Please advise.

    Example URL:

    so_resolv: failed: Name or service not known (-2)

    Thanks in advance


  • studro

    studro - 2017-02-21

    I'm getting a similar error to Paul. My log is as follows (with sensitive information edited out)

    HEAD: GET http://user@domain/scm/project/repo.git/info/refs?service=git-upload-pack HTTP/1.1
          NO: user@domain (localhost)
          NO: user@domain (127.0.0.*)
          NO: user@domain (domain)
    MATCH: user@domain (*@domain)
    Direct thread processing...
    so_resolv: user@domain failed: Non-recoverable failure in name resolution (4)
    cntlm: PID 3268: Connection failed for user@domain:80 (No error)
    proxy_thread: request rc = 0xffffffff
    Joining thread 537207944

    I'm running on Windows 7, 64-bit, cntlm v0.92.3.

    You'll notice that I had to add "*@domain" to the NoProxy directive, as "domain" was not matching my request with auth in it. This probably is a separate issue in itself, but tangentially related.

    My trivial workaround for now is to instruct my application to not use cntlm for requests to "domain".


    Last edit: studro 2017-02-21

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