Activity for Cntlm Authentication Proxy

  • CStan77 CStan77 created ticket #21

    Compatible with Microsoft's CVE-2022-38023 patch

  • Florian Weimer Florian Weimer created ticket #79

    C99 compatibility fixes

  • Aleksandr Vinokurov Aleksandr Vinokurov created ticket #20

    Option -T missed in usage message

  • Jose Jose posted a comment on ticket #78

    Please, delete ASAP the attachement whatsapp_web_journalctl.png, I attached the ofuscated one in this post.

  • Jose Jose modified a comment on ticket #78

    I use RHEL8. I attached the neofetch output. I use Firefox 78.2.0esr (64-bit) and Chrome Version 85.0.4183.83 (Official Build) (64-bit), I have the problem with both.

  • Jose Jose posted a comment on ticket #78

    I use RHEL8. I attached the neofetch output. I use Firefox 78.2.0esr (64-bit) and Chrome Version 85.0.4183.83 (Official Build) (64-bit), I have the problem with both.

  • Jose Jose created ticket #78

    Whatsapp Web doesn't work

  • Manish Manish modified a comment on ticket #30 there is no trunk 282? How to apply patch on 272? patching file debian/control patching file auth.h patching file configure patching file kerberos.h patching file auth.c patching file Makefile patching file main.c Hunk #2 succeeded at 886 (offset -1 lines). Hunk #3 succeeded at 1180 (offset -3 lines). Hunk #4 succeeded at 1274 (offset -3 lines). Hunk #5 succeeded at 1327 (offset -3 lines). patching file forward.c Hunk #3 FAILED at 98. Hunk...

  • Manish Manish posted a comment on ticket #30 there is no trunk 282? How to apply patch on 272? patching file debian/control patching file auth.h patching file configure patching file kerberos.h patching file auth.c patching file Makefile patching file main.c Hunk #2 succeeded at 886 (offset -1 lines). Hunk #3 succeeded at 1180 (offset -3 lines). Hunk #4 succeeded at 1274 (offset -3 lines). Hunk #5 succeeded at 1327 (offset -3 lines). patching file forward.c Hunk #3 FAILED at 98. Hunk...

  • RobertB RobertB modified a comment on ticket #30

    The issue with the Kerberos token size seems to be related to the usage of BUFSIZE in "kerberos.c" and "forward.c". BUFSIZE is defined as 4096 in "util.h".

  • RobertB RobertB modified a comment on ticket #30

  • RobertB RobertB modified a comment on ticket #30

    I was possibly able to resolve the issue myself by changing BUFSIZE in util.h from 4096 to 65536 and compile everything from scratch.

  • RobertB RobertB posted a comment on ticket #30

    I was possibly able to resolve the issue myself by changing BUFSIZ in util.h from 4096 to 65536 an compile veverything from scratch.

  • Deryl Spielman Deryl Spielman modified a comment on ticket #8

    I too am interested in this feature since we have to maintain a separate list of domains to ignore in cntlm instead of reading them from the corporate pac file.

  • Deryl Spielman Deryl Spielman posted a comment on ticket #8

    I too am interested in this feature since we have to maintain a separate list of URLs to ignore in cntlm instead of reading them from the corporate pac file.

  • RobertB RobertB posted a comment on ticket #30

    Got also an 403 (Ubuntu 18.04) - seems to me to be related to the Kerberos token size since it worked for me with a new test user with low count of AD group membership (token size 2320) but did not work for my own account with (token size 11500 (Base 64 accordingly size of 15340)) The AD supports token size up to 64kB. Can someone give me a hint where to start further ivestigation?

  • Boyd H Ako Boyd H Ako created ticket #77

    NTLMv2 hash incorrect

  • Tammy Tammy posted a comment on ticket #19

    can we get an update on this support request please? thanks

  • Tammy Tammy created ticket #19

    Unable to authenticate, getting 407 unauthorized error

  • kesavan kesavan posted a comment on discussion Help

    Just filed a bug report Cntlm crashes on Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS (Xenial Xerus) cntlm[13869]: CONNECT buffer overflow detected : cntlm terminated looking at the forums seems like there is very little support now

  • kesavan kesavan posted a comment on ticket #76

    cntlm version CNTLM - Accelerating NTLM Authentication Proxy version 0.92.3

  • kesavan kesavan created ticket #76

    cntlm crashes on Ubuntu 16.04.4

  • versat versat posted a comment on discussion Help

    There is a cntlm fork on github at but it seems to be dead too. Does anyone know if someone forked it somewhere where this project really lives on?

  • Drew Mullen Drew Mullen posted a comment on ticket #8

    has this feature been implemented? i dont see anything in the man pages on it in cntlm0.90

  • ananda situnayake ananda situnayake posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, does anyone have any experience of setting up CNTLM on a windos 10 box whilst accessing coporate network via Microsoft DirectAccess. I think the IPv6 to 4 transalation is causing issues and i am unable to authenticate to the corporate proxy. Regards ana

  • zuber zuber posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hell-o! I'm using CNTLM 0.92.3 on xubuntu 17.10. I'm behind corporate proxy. For some time I can no longer use CNTLM - after opening a web page in firefox I get this window: Network authentication A proxy requires you to authenticate with it before you can access https://xxxxxxxxx Choose a login from the list below or close this window to manually enter the required login information. CNTLM i properly configured: cntlm -M Password: Config profile 1/4... Credentials rejected Config profile...

  • dxt29 dxt29 posted a comment on discussion Help

    in my configuration, the parent proxy is a http/https proxy, and I configured SOCKS5Proxy in the /etc/cntlm.conf. now I want to use this socks5 proxy for git client to clone codes from, is this possible?

  • Anonymous modified a comment on ticket #57

    robert@robert-laptop: ~$ cntlm --version CNTLM - Accelerating NTLM Authentication Proxy version 0.92.3 Copyright (c) 2oo7-2o1o David Kubicek

  • Vadim Kopichenko Vadim Kopichenko posted a comment on discussion Help

    The problem may be related to and may be fixable by But I didn't check.

  • Vadim Kopichenko Vadim Kopichenko posted a comment on discussion Help

    Here is verified workaround:

  • ery78 ery78 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, how can I configure CNTLM to simply forward soap message to a web services under NTLM auth ? thanks

  • Diego Moura Diego Moura posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hey guys, Is that possible to install Cntlm 0.92.3 in Red Hat 5? I tried but it was necessary to install glibc 2.10 and for Red Hat 5 only the glibc 2.5 was available. Thank you.

  • Dunken Dunken posted a comment on discussion Help

    Any solution to this? I have the same issue on a Win10 1607...

  • studro studro modified a comment on discussion Help

    I'm getting a similar error to Paul. My log is as follows (with sensitive information...

  • studro studro posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'm getting a similar error to Paul. My log is as follows (with sensitive information...

  • Paul Pasika Paul Pasika posted a comment on discussion Help

    I am trying to access a URL with authentication in it and it seems that cntlm is...

  • john brady john brady posted a comment on discussion Help

    I seem to be getting that seme effect on Windows 10 with v0.92.3: can you offer any...

  • Rihab Ben Rhouma Rihab Ben Rhouma modified a comment on discussion Help

  • Rihab Ben Rhouma Rihab Ben Rhouma posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi @David, maybe you could help me. I get the same message as Kevin. I tried running...

  • Rihab Ben Rhouma Rihab Ben Rhouma posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi David, maybe you could help me. I get the same message as Kevin. I tried running...

  • Terra Peterson Terra Peterson posted a comment on discussion Help

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Cntlm>cntlm -I -M cygwin warning: MS-DOS style...

  • Alexander Amelkin Alexander Amelkin created ticket #65

    Add port support to NoProxy parser

  • Dunken Dunken posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi I need route traffic through a CNTLM proxy. Unfortunaltely the program doesn't...

  • Slipeer Slipeer posted a comment on discussion Help

    Same problem on Windows 10 1607 amd64

  • Dris Hamed Fernandez Dris Hamed Fernandez posted a comment on discussion Help

    Stop the cntlm under windows with: net stop cntlm After that you can start it again...

  • Ricardo Cantu Ricardo Cantu posted a comment on ticket #61

    This is getting worse. W2k12 R2

  • Jacques Jacques posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello, I used to use CNTLM for authenticate in NTLM mode to my company HTTP proxy....

  • Martin Jericho Martin Jericho posted a comment on discussion Help

    Dear CNTLM users, It appears that the author of this project David Kubíček is no...

  • ONI ONI posted a comment on discussion Help

    I can't find the RPM of the version 0.93beta5 for CentOs7... Can you send me please...

  • Felix Felix posted a comment on ticket #62

    Hi Nathan, thanks for pointing me to the man pages, I gave it one more though and...

  • Nathan Revo Nathan Revo modified a comment on ticket #62

    Update: I was able to match a simple hostname using the following NoProxy [:alnum:]*...

  • Nathan Revo Nathan Revo posted a comment on ticket #62

    I have run into this same issue. Many of our developers access systems with the simple...

  • Vic Vic posted a comment on ticket #23

    Is there any chance somebody can update this to include NTLMv2 as well?

  • Marco Marco posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello I want, that Cntlm is my local proxy and it should forward all traffic to a...

  • KJ Moon KJ Moon posted a comment on discussion Help

    How does one gracefully restart or stop Cntlm on Mac?

  • Vanisree T V Vanisree T V posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, Please explain how did you solve the issue. I am facing the same problem. Th...

  • Donovan Muller Donovan Muller created ticket #75

    No systemd-tmpfiles configuration file results in cntlm not being started at boot on CentOS 7

  • ethernethater12 ethernethater12 created ticket #74

    Lost Host PC Ethenret Settings

  • Paul Markham Paul Markham posted a comment on ticket #73

    Cntlm version is 0.92.3.

  • Paul Markham Paul Markham created ticket #73

    Hang when server returns 401 and closes connection

  • Vic Vic posted a comment on ticket #23

    Hello mate! This is exactly what I am looking for at the moment, as I need to make...

  • Anonymous modified a comment on ticket #44

    Hi David. Happy to send stack dumps and logs at any time. Version: 0.93 beta 5 System:...

  • Anonymous modified a comment on ticket #44

    Hi David. Happy to send stack dumps and logs at any time. Version: 0.93 beta 5 System:...

  • Anonymous modified a comment on ticket #44

    Hi David. Happy to send stack dumps and logs at any time. Version: 0.93 beta 5 System:...

  • Anonymous modified a comment on ticket #44

    Hi David. Happy to send stack dumps and logs at any time. Version: 0.93 beta 5 System:...

  • Aleksandr Kostyrev Aleksandr Kostyrev posted a comment on discussion Help

    the last commit was 2011-10-14 if not please move it to github. this sourceforge...

  • Anonymous modified a comment on ticket #44

    Hi David. Happy to send stack dumps and logs at any time. Version: 0.93 beta 5 System:...

  • Richard Richard posted a comment on discussion Help

    Ok, so I finally found the sys logs generated from the error and it says this: cntlm:...

  • Corrado Richard Cioci Corrado Richard Cioci posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi there, Trying to setup Cntlm to use a proxy provided to me by a corporate partner....

  • Javier Rufas Rivas Javier Rufas Rivas posted a comment on ticket #23

    Thank you very much. It's very useful for me.

  • Anonymous modified a comment on ticket #44

    Hi David. Happy to send stack dumps and logs at any time. Version: 0.93 beta 5 System:...

  • Anonymous modified a comment on ticket #44

    Hi David. Happy to send stack dumps and logs at any time. Version: 0.93 beta 5 System:...

  • Anonymous modified a comment on ticket #44

    Hi David. Happy to send stack dumps and logs at any time. Version: 0.93 beta 5 System:...

  • Anonymous modified a comment on ticket #44

    Hi David. Happy to send stack dumps and logs at any time. Version: 0.93 beta 5 System:...

  • Dr YSG Dr YSG modified a comment on ticket #53

    Sholom Zev, I run Fiddler in the background and have it add the user-agent field...

  • Dr YSG Dr YSG posted a comment on ticket #53

    I run Fiddler in the background and have it add the user-agent field for VS2015....

  • Zev Griner Zev Griner modified a comment on ticket #53

    My company blocks me unless I utter the magic user agent string. The -M feature wouldn't...

  • Zev Griner Zev Griner posted a comment on ticket #53

    My company blocks me unless I utter the magic user agent string. Thanks

  • Gary Weaver Gary Weaver posted a comment on discussion Help

    We just started using cntlm v0.92.3 in OS X 10.10.5 recently and just noticed that...

  • EmanuelSan EmanuelSan posted a comment on ticket #41

    I make patch for this feature too. I dont see "YesProxy" patch. In my patch this...

  • Gary Weaver Gary Weaver created ticket #72

    /etc/hosts not used in OS X when using cntlm c0.92.3

  • Davide Fagioli Davide Fagioli posted a comment on discussion Help

    Solved. I managed to ssh tunnel a local port to remote 443 port, and then specify...

  • Simon Rowe Simon Rowe created ticket #18

    Preventing saturation by limiting the number or source of conenctions

  • Davide Fagioli Davide Fagioli posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi all, forgive my bad English, i'll try to explain as clear&short as i can! That's...

  • Dragrubis Dragrubis created ticket #64

    Add time in -f mode in windows command line

  • EmanuelSan EmanuelSan created ticket #63

    ProxyFor List for exception list of NoProxy list

  • Neil Crow Neil Crow posted a comment on ticket #71

    I am running the same configuration on a Windows 7 laptop without any issues. The...

  • Felix Felix created ticket #62

    NoProxy Regex or Extended Wildcard Matching

  • Neil Crow Neil Crow created ticket #71

    Cannot connect to proxy

  • Random Sock Random Sock posted a comment on ticket #23

    @Evengard - Frikkin Awesome! Thanks a lot, that's solved a whole world of pain for...

  • Aaaa Aaaaaa Aaaa Aaaaaa created ticket #61

    Add support for ftp

  • Sam Hasler Sam Hasler posted a comment on ticket #54

    See the script I attached to

  • Sam Hasler Sam Hasler posted a comment on ticket #36

    If anyone else is having issues with this, I used the attached batch script to fix...

  • Sam Hasler Sam Hasler modified a comment on ticket #57

    or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/.cntlm (even on windows)

  • Sam Hasler Sam Hasler modified a comment on ticket #57

    or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/.cntlm

  • Sam Hasler Sam Hasler posted a comment on ticket #57

    or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/.cntlm

  • martin.s martin.s posted a comment on ticket #30

    You're right: It's obviously included in JRE 8 as command line tool. Question is...

  • Máté István Máté István posted a comment on ticket #30

    On the machine running Windows 7 I do have the klist command, but not the kinit (for...

  • martin.s martin.s modified a comment on ticket #30

    Try following steps: kinit <user>@<domain> This should result in: New ticket is stored...

  • martin.s martin.s modified a comment on ticket #30

    Try following steps: kinit <user>@<domain> This should result in: New ticket is stored...

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